Thursday, January 21, 2016

The one legged man feeds the cows!

Let me tell you when you have animals they have to be taken care of no matter what else is going on in your life(that's a rule I think). Especially when you have a bunch of cows, A heard, of who knows how many, they expect to be fed hay every day rain or shine. It's just a fact of life. Well yesterday, was really busy. Rodney had 2 appointments and I had one. And neither one of us can drive. So Anna took us to the first one and then went to start her new job. Mama carried us to the last two. And as everyone knows we have 4 children and we did this on purpose for the free labor. (I have heard slave labor mumbled under certain peoples breaths, yeah I heard you) So since Rodney's accident the kids (OK not all the kids, Joshua when not at work, Chelsea who will only open gates and cut strings and doesn't want to drive Anna's tractor, Anna who the brunt of the feeding has feel on and Justin who hasn't feed a cow in 10 years because being out of State all the time "working" if you call dancing on a pole work) So back to yesterday. We had gotten home. I had sat down to catch my breath, which usually means I'll see you tomorrow and Rodney says. " I need you and me to do something together, it will take both of us, when you catch your breath". I look at him the man with one good arm and one good leg( NO WEIGHT BARRING ON THE RIGHT LEG OR LEFT ARM/SHOULDER) and me with the gimp right knee. and the body that I can never really count on to do what I want it to do. So have I painted a picture for you yet, of two gimpy nearly old people. ( well one AWESOME old man and one just old woman) He says, " We have to feed the cows before dark". Yeah dark is at 4 pm since they changed the stupid time, (but that's another rant) So I say OK might as well go get it done. He lays out the plan. I have on shorts and a tee shirt and find a right and left shoe( YEA!!!!!!!!! much better than the last time I helped feed the cows when I had to wear 2 left shoes) and I grab his hoody jacket. He gets the step ladder. I go open the gate and bring the tractor to the concrete pad. So far so good.The tractor is out of fuel, so we have to fuel it up(thanks kids) I get off the tractor and AWESOME one armed, one legged man gets on the tractor. Wooooooohooooo. I get on the back of the tractor standing on the hay roller,(wondering what will happen when I fall off, will it kill me or will I just be more crippled for life, oh well those cows are hollering) so I don't have to walk to the next set of gates. I open those gates and about let the cows out. But then they decide to follow the tractor. That could have been bad. Now I'm back on the back of the tractor. Next stop the the barn. with mud/cow stuff ankle deep to get to the next gate, so off the tractor I get. So I get the gate open and I don't fall in the mud/cow stuff. Yea!!!! me, but I let the big black bull and the stupid white face cow in the barn and their just munching on all the hay they want. Rodney is getting 2 bales of hay, I go in the barn to shooooo the bull and cow out and close that gate. And they chose to follow the tractor. Which was great because they weren't listen to me. Then I get to cut the strings off the hay, and Rodney takes it way up in the pasture to put it out while I sand in the mud/cow stuff and wait on my ride. He comes back picks me up we go back thru the gates and I get them all closed, (probably not right but closed). We get back in the yard, AWESOME Rodney gets off the tractor with out putting any weight on his right leg or left arm (yeah right) I wash the mud/cow stuff off my legs and go in the house to get a bath. The cows have been feed.Yea!!!!!! us. 40 minutes later Chelsea is up to go to work, 50 minutes later Anna home from meeting her new baby, and I guess 2 hours later Joshua arrived home from work. And Justin is still in Virginia. So the slave labor, timed this one just right. This just goes to show you that you can do what you need to do no matter what. It may take a little longer. Rodney and I didn't fuss or gripe or get mad at each other. I held my breath a couple of times when he was getting on and off the tractor. So even when things seem undo able, if you go slow and steady and work together you can accomplish all most anything.  And If you will remember God is always with you, so what can really go wrong. Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. Thank you Lord for keep us safe yesterday when we feed our cows.