Friday, June 14, 2019


On May 10, 2019 Rodney S. Freeman(not to be confused with Rodney James Davis), fell at work. He was at the Talladagea County Jail(see kids you never want to go to jail they're bad places). He had backed up to the loading dock and there was a space between the truck and the dock. Well, well, well my sweet honey's left foot fell sideways through the crack. Now get the picture in your mind, Rodney 5'11" 280, right leg planted firmly on the truck, left leg falling straight down through the crack and he throws his left arm out to catch him self on the unforgiving concrete dock. Now everyone knows My Rodney is the strongest man on earth(yeah, yeah, I  know I'm prejudice, but I'm right too) so he caught hisself with his left arm. He thought for a second that his left  leg was going to be broken but it was fine,(because he's secretly SUPERMAN) but he said his shoulder hurt just a "little ". He called me and said, "I have something to tell you so you,can get your head wrapped around it before I get home."(that's code for let her cry before i get home and let her get over her mad before i get home). Now, we had only had mama home from the hospital 2 days from her knee replacement and I was bone melting tired. I just said What? And he told me the story.  Anna was there and declared, "Daddy can never go back to jail ever." He called me so I'd be calmed down when he got home, I know what get your head wrapped around it means. So I called his work to talk to Audy the person Rodney has to call into when things happen, to see what the were doing for "MY HUSBAND " BECAUSE HE SAID THE WORD HURT. ( sending someone to get him, that would be a big NO, Rodney said he could finish, stupidity of men.) I had to leave a message and it was an upset message.  He was to chicken to call me back him self. The plant supervisor called me and I had a crying come apart just because Rodney S. Freeman said he hurt a little in the shoulder. He's OK he kept telling me he would have had us send someone to get him or to help him if he was hurt.  I said NO HE WOULD NOT. AND HE TOLD ME HE WAS HURTING,  THE MAN NEVER SAYS HES HURTING. We went back and forth him trying to calm me me trying to make him understand that after 38 years of marriage I knew Rodney a little better than he did and the man never ever, ever never, uses the HURT, word. And if he did it was serious. He said he would send him to the doctor as quick as he got back to the warehouse, not what I wanted but as good as I was going to get. Now,  I guess we need to stop here and let me explain why that one little word "hurt" upset me so. We have been married 38 and a half years. He has used the word he hurt half a dozen times in those 38 years. The one time he had shingles he hurt a little.  Yeah a little. Everyone knows how horrible the pain is with the shingles because it attacks the nerve. He has had massive dental work over the years, many root canals, crowns and such with no pain. His broken leg in 2015 it didn't really hurt it was so hard to keep him off of it, so it could heal correctly. He comes in with cuts and gashes on his body all the time bleeding and never really knows where it came from, cut it on the Bob wire, must have been a nail. He just doesn't feel pain like the average person, which is good and bad. The closest to hurt I ever hear from him is achy and mostly at that thumb joint that was hurt in the accident in 2015. And it stays swollen to twice its size most of the time, I really don't know how he handles all of those cases of groceries on a daily basis,  but he does, so that I eill have insurance.  He does it for me. So when he says something hurts I tend to 1000% believe him. So he said hurt and I believed him. They sent him to the workman's comp. Doctor when he arrived back at work. X-rayed shoulder no broken bones, don't even know if the x-rated his leg I need to find that out it could be broken, who would know with out an x-ray. But he doesn't say it hurts, so I'm not so worried about it. He has been on lite duty ever since. No workman's comp.  pay has been seen yet. I don't know when that will start. Rodney has been to the workman's comp doctor each week waiting for the little hurt to resolve but it hasn't. Took a month to get scheduled for a MRI, they wanted him to go to Fort Payne of all places, he said NO, second choice was Anniston. He went yesterday FINALLY for a  MRI of the shoulder they were going to do an arthrogram where they fill the joint full of dye and do a series of MRIs. He has so much fluid in the shoulder that the 2 very very bad tears showed up without the need of dye. A 3rd tear was seen but the severity of it is unknown at present, the Radiologist said he would have to have surgery to repair the 2 severe tears and they would repair the 3rd one while they were in there and make sure there was nothing else that needed repairing.  Now we start the surgeon fight. He is not having surgery in Fort Payne, sorry anyone from Fort Payne, don't mean to hurt your feelings but it ain't going to happen. I know who we want to do the surgery.  The same young doctor that did my knee and mama's knee. He is a knee and Shoulder specialist and he is the one who did Rodney's clavicle in 2015. So I am bracing for a fight. I know there are many many great excellent orthopedic  surgeon out there, but we want Dr. Tyler Marshall because we love him and trust him. And I have a very very important person that need all the TLC, He will let me give. And fighting for him is how I say I love you Rodney Freeman. And PEOPLE NEXT TIME HE SAYS HE HURTS TAKE IT SERIOUSLY,  A NORMAL HUMAN WOULD HAVE BEEN ROLLING ON THE GROUND SCREAMINGIN PAIN AND HE HASN'TEVEN BEEN OFFERED A PAIN PILL. BUT I MARRIED SUPERMAN. AND HE AINT NO WIMP. And as the Jim Croce song goes:

You don't tug on Superman's Cape
You don't spit into the wind
You don't pull the mask off the old Lone Ranger
And you don't mess around with Him.
Or you answer to Me, Anna, Chelsea, Joshus and Justin, most likely Leslie, Amy, Shawn, and 3 G-babies big enough to scratch your eyes out.(that little one will just smile at you). Just saying. This is what a real Super Man looks like.