Thursday, January 14, 2021

Guilty Pleasures

 Guilty Pleasures we all have them. I have realized I have a lot. Recently, Since Chelsea has started selling Color Street Nails I’ve had beautiful manicures. Most of the time I’m the only one who see them. But it gives me pleasure to think how pretty they are. And this morning after my walk around the living room I’m having pecan praline coffee with cold stone creamer another guilty pleasure. Listening to Crowder on YouTube first thing this morning. We all have them. Those tiny things that make our days livable. I think God gives us these tiny things as a glimpse into what Heaven might be or maybe not, only God really knows. But I think he gives us these Pleasures to get us through our days. Just like the sound of a dove. I think that is one of the most beautiful sounds in nature. Or watching a hummingbird and trying to see those little wings as they fly there’s so fast it’s just unreal they’re just amazing to watch that’s a pleasure. Toby curled up in my lap or sitting on the back of the couch watching for boogers that might come and get us. He is too funny. Watching a sunrise or a sunset or even a Moon rise that Justin sent me, it’s pretty cool, I’ll have to share it. So this morning while I’m sitting here with my knee iced. Just freezing to death. And everyone who knows me knows cold isn’t my normal temperature , I was pondering how awful my nails look. Chelsea usually does them. I have done them but I use twice as much product as she does and she can get nearly 3 uses out of 1 pack. I can waste 1 whole pack doing them myself. So this morning I thought I’d share my horrible manicure and some of the pretty ones too. Thought y’all could use a good laugh. I’m fixing to start a new crochet project. I haven’t crocheted in a year until I made a blanket for our Churches new sweet baby William

Alden Archer. At least that was the last name I heard. I forgot how much I love crocheting. I was slow with it and intended to put 2 extra rows of blue around the edges and I still can if mama and daddy want it. I haven’t done any hand work since I finished Jackson’s nursery. No crochet, no quilting, no nothing. That evil depression had kinda taken over my life in 2020. And I found no pleasure in anything. Until Chelsea started doing my nails. I’m sure a lot of people have had more depression this last year than normal. Or Have faced it for the first time. For me it’s been a life long battle. So as we still are bombarded by COVID and who knows what else, and still shelter at home, 6 feet apart and a mask.(how can we connect with other people like that, find away, as a COVID surviver I say find away). Remember God is still God and he hasn’t left you. He is right where you left him. Ask him to send you a little spark of something to lighten your day. It might just be a Redheaded granddaughter that climbs doors to the top and says “OH GRASSSMMMMYYYY” and rolls her eyes when you tell her something silly. Or a brown eyed Davis boy who crawls up beside you and is the first one that doesn’t say Grump first. He looks up at you with those liquid brown eyes and says Grandmmamma. Or a stinking cute blue eyed Davis who sneaks behind my chair peeps around and waits for me to say Boo. Then he says Bbb. And laughs and laughs till he doubles over. Guilty Pleasure why yes absolutely they are my best Guilty pleasures. I love when my Freeman boys are here, but I have been sick the last 2 times they visited. But Logan telling about a snake so I can argue with him, makes my day. And oh I just can’t describe my precious sweet Carter who informed me last time he didn’t like one of the pictures I had of him because it looked silly. I said no it doesn’t that is Grammys favorite, he said it is. I said yes see that beautiful smile and that sweet face that’s my Carter Man, and he makes my heart happy. He was satisfied with that and he is my sunshine. Sweetest Baby every. That’s what Rodney and I called him from his first smile till now. We have names for all of them. But Carter’s has stuck with us and when he’s 40 I imagine he will still be the sweetest baby ever.  Joshua calling to chat, Justin sending me up lifting songs, the girls carry me where I need to go, Chelsea doing some light house work for me. Anna watching a movie with me. A husband of 40 years, who take such wonderful care of me, there is no way to describe. When you start counting you guilty Pleasures they kind of turn into your Blessings and then you start trying to count and there is no counting them. We need to Praise God for the Big things he does for us but we can’t forget about those little things. The ones we call guilty pleasures. They are blessing too. They’re there to lighten our burdens. Give us a smile. So today enjoy a guilty pleasure. And know God sent it to you.