Monday, November 1, 2010

What is Enough

2 Corinthians 12:9 And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.12:10 Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.

Well it has been a long 3 weeks. I've been having me a little pity party. And is God happy with that, I really don't think he wants to hear my whining all the time. This verse says" my grace is sufficient for thee." This is the Definition of suf·fi·cient [ sə físh'nt ] adjective, enough: as much as is needed. Sounds simple enough, it means you have all you ever need, no more, no less, just enough. We forget what enough is because as humans we always want more, more time, more money, more sleep, more healthy days, more time with our loved ones, more days off, more fun things in our lives, I could go on and on thinking of the things I think I need more of from life. But this is not what I need to be focused on, the grace of God is what I need to ponder is" His Grace is Sufficient for me". I don't need more Grace because God gave me the exact amount of that I need to live my life in total peace. So why don't I do that, and its sad to say that I don't live every moment of my life content that I have Enough Grace to see me thru. I wonder sometimes if it is because the Grace was free. Do we think something that is free is not as good as something we have to work hard at to achieve. How do I turn my life from want, want, want to peace, peace, peace.
Well he tells us in the verse, "for my strength is made perfect in weakness". Well then it should be pretty easy for "God's strength to be made strong in me", because I'm weak with every breath." Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me." That is one of my main problems I don't glory in my infirmities, I and for the last few weeks it seems as their has been one infirmity after the other, Asthmatic Bron chits + steroid dose pack and big dose of the antibiotic Levequin. Then my treatment was the next week and I was still coughing and sick thru this. So that made the headache I have with the IVIG worse than usually and with a bad head ache the nausea is worse. Then on Monday after the treatment on the week I should feel the best, the Pulmonologist tells me I either have pneumonia or collapsed lung in both lower lobes and wants to put me in the hospital. We work out a compromise, (that means I won that fight) to treat me at home on bed rest. And when I can finally get a good deep breath and have been on 40mg of Prednisone for a week, before I can start titrating it down, I get the stomach bug, and ended up having to have a bag of fluid yesterday to get me over the hump. So I am at my weakness, and it feels like the infirmities are getting the best of me and I'm not showing God's strength." Corinthians 12:10 Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong." So I know the key is for me to turn over all that mumbling and grumbling, of my so called infirmities, and let my self learn to be strong in my weakness. I need the strength of God, not the Strength of Lisa....That is the key to my problem, that's why I've had a pity party, because I was not looking in the right direction to find my strength. For when I and weak in Lisa then I can be strong in God. And that should be Enough for me. Just knowing that God is my strength and refuge should be Enough for me to conquer any thing. What is Enough......our Lord and Christ Jesus should always be enough. Then I can have that precious peaceful Grace that is sufficient for my every need. Enough, that should always be Enough.


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