Monday, April 20, 2015

54 years old

Well I am getting a year older. And I'm sad to say at this very moment I'm not so sure which number it is. Am I 54 today or was that what Rodney was in February. No I'm pretty sure he was 55 in February and that makes me 54 today. HUMMMMMM. 54 well if you add that together you get 9 or at least it did before common core, I'm not so sure now. That new math, hahahaha, I always wanted to say that, because that's what I heard in elementary school. I hope it still does equal 9. In my 54 years I have seen so many changes in technology(the world wide web). I remember being SAVED from my SINS by JESUS CHRIST at 8 years old. This is the best thing I ever did to make my life better. I remember when gas was 25 cents a gallon. I remember when I could go to the grocery store with $50 and get cash back and had a whole lot more in my basket than I even do today. I remember drinking cold cold water that was drawn from a well out of a metal dipper that everyone drank from, the best water ever. Getting a 10, 2, & 4 glass bottle Dr. Pepper at Blackmans grocery store.(now that was a huge treat) I sat in my living room and watched the first man walk on the moon. I sat and watched a president be impeached(didn't understand it but I watched) . Playing outside at night, with my sister and brother and cousins.( Ain't no bears out tonight). I remember saying I DO, to my precious Rodney in the pastors home and my wedding costing around $200, that was the meal at Catfish Cabin where we went after the ceremony. I remember when people cared more about the marriage they were entering into in the site of God, than a huge wedding that really means nothing if you don't include God. I've been married 34 years, and will hit 35 in December.(Poor Rodney) I remember weighing 122 that's hard to believe and I was the big one. I remember holding my first precious baby in my arms and crying because he looked like his is the only one who looks like me. I remember having my precious 2nd son and declaring that there would be NO more. And Rodney saying in the hospital we have a pair of boys we need a pair of girls. Nearly 5 years later God blessed us with that pair of girls. I remember being very very poor...with 4 babies, and them all sick and not knowing how I was going to pay for their medicine and getting a card from Church with 5 &20 dollar bills falling out of it. I still don't know where it came form but I am thankful that the person listened to God and hope they were blessed as much as I was. Keeping my sweet niece and nephew and a couple more little ones thrown in so that I could afford to stay home with my babies. I remember painting Miss Martha Originals Figurines to make ends meet and to be able to buy groceries. And I use this as a teaching point about sometimes you have to do things you don't want to so you can survive. I have a little figurine that I painted sitting on a shelf and at times I tell the kids "you know sometimes you just have to paint black people" and I mean no disrespect to anyone they were little black people figurines that were so cute and very popular in the 80's. I remember my time working at MMCS with fond memories, and wish I was still working there. I remember arguing with the doctor that I didn't have Myasthenia Gravis. And then arguing that I didn't have Asthma, Heart Disease, Sleep Apnea, Major Depression, and a whole lot of other things. I've had such a wonderful life. I remember day Leslie, Chelsea and Anna brought me my sweet Bitz who is my shadow, and my comfort on a lot of days. I remember the sweet sweet birth of all 3 of my grandbabies. And they are GRAND. I feel very blessed to have the friends I have now and all the friends I have had thru my life. I think so far I've had a pretty good 54 years(If it's 54, still not positive). I don't think i'll make another 54 years and the memories will probably start to fade. My short term memory is going and I ask for prayer for my family that have to deal with me. But I am so blessed, blessed beyond measure. I Thank God for my life and for my eternal life that's waiting for me when I leave this one. I hope I make a new memory today that I can

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