Sunday, November 1, 2015

Provisional Grace

Provisional Grace :Through His provisional grace, God provides for all our needs. As James 1:17 says, “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights.” When you get a better job or an unexpected gift, count it as grace from God.
This is a long one of course. But if your going thru something bad, ponder this, is it Provisional Grace. I've seen a lot of it this year.
I haven't really given an update since we have been home just a few little things here and there. We will have been home 2 week tomorrow. Come Wednesday it will be 4 weeks since Rodney's accident, and 3 weeks since his surgery. The first days weren't easy, because as everyone knows Rodney is not a TINY MAN. It took all Anna, Chelsea and I had to help him up and down and to keep him form falling(remember no weight barring on the right leg or left shoulder). But he has since gotten his strength back he can move himself just about anywhere. That has been made possible because of a hospital bed with a trapeze and an electric wheel chair( thank Leslie Kennedy Freeman to your mom for loaning it to us we wouldn't have made it with our it) And to Justin for getting it over here and making sure the battery was good. Rodney still has till November 23rd to be in the wheel chair with no weight barring. I thank my mama for the walk in bath tub. It has been a life saver as far as getting him a bath.( he sure would be stinking by now with out not Chelsea our CNA would never have stood for that). And all the jets have come in handy for my tired body.Sometimes I don't want to get out. On the light side I haven't slept in my bed in nearly 4 weeks. But I did lay on it yesterday for a few minutes while we did Rodney's Rehab exercises.(It felt like a million dollars) I never would have believed I would have become a Rehab coach, but he seems not to be able to keep up a count to 30. And he can't stand to listen to me count to 30. So that's really fun. His hospital bed is set up in our living room and I haven't been able to leave him at night yet, I just can't leave him. I was sleeping in my recliner, at first, until it tipped over backwards one morning with me and it took me FOREVER to get scooted out.( now that was a site to behold, I'm glad everyone was So after that we start pulling the sleeper bed out of the couch. I hadn't been doing that because Shawn has been here a lot and I thought it was rude. But he seems OK with me crawling in put on my lovely c-pap mask and dying about 7:30 to 8:00 ever night. We have been blessed by friends and family that have stopped by to visit and helped Rodney pass the time and me too. And we have been fed most nights by and we thank the ones who have brought food, it has been much appreciated and enjoyed.. This week thanks to Adele and Amy for feeding us. You know God had been preparing us for this for a while and we didn't even know it.The Kind of Grace you don't even know you need until you do. It's called Provisional Grace :Through His provisional grace, God provides for all our needs. As James 1:17 says, “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights.” When you get a better job or an unexpected gift, count it as grace from God.
We bought that Santa Fe in February. I didn't want it and have hated it every time I look at it. Because I have had to come up with creative ways to make the payment and that has stressed me beyond all stress. But in it Rodney can ride in the back seat, he couldn't have done that in the Pacifica in had a console in the center.( GRACE) Anna has had no job for a while now and is about penniless and we have worried and prayed for her a job. And if has seem twice she had one and something fell through.(GRACE) Because God knew I needed her help at home. Thank you God for giving me Anna right now when I needed her most. Chelsea's been a huge help and so has Shawn he came and helped Joshua get everything done outside that he knew would drive his daddy crazy knowing needing to be done. So Thank you God for Chelsea who has keep us in a clean house and Shawn who has feed us and worked hard to prepare for our home coming. Shawn (GRACE) Then Amy left her job at the most perfect time.(GRACE) We were getting to have our little bit of sunshine Aubrey a lot and were enjoying every minute but God knew we couldn't help out with her for a while. (GRACE). And Amy being home with her sweet girl has been a blessing. Thanks Amy for the food and for letting us enjoy that little bit of Sunshine called Aubrey too she makes time go by fast. Aubrey is Provisional Grace in the Flesh. Joshua has been our rock. I don't know where that sloppy, unorganized, happy go lucky boy went, but the man he has become has been great. Except when he laid down the law to me and said "I'M THE BOSS TILL DADDY'S BETTER". Oh well I guess he grew up. Thank you God for letting become the man he is, it was a hard road for mama to watch. But all was the way it was supposed to be(GRACE). I'm going to post a couple of pictures from the house of how we're living right now and where I hope to be Monday night. We're going to try to sleep in our bed. Pray Rodney dosesn't forget and gets up in the night and puts weight on that right leg. His right leg is healing well. His left color bone with the bar and 8 screws is healing well. His brain seems to be healing well. but I could be wrong about that, just saying. I worry about a residual problems as those hematomas (blood clots) on his brain reabsorb into his body. I'm tired and weak, but not to the extent I let my self get at the hospital. I still ask for all your prayers. And I Thank God today for that:
Provisional Grace :Through His provisional grace, God provides for all our needs. As James 1:17 says, “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights.” When you get a better job or an unexpected gift, count it as grace from God.
Because God has rained His GRACE down on us.

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