Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Knight in Shinning Denim (other wise known as I've fallen and can't get up.)

Tuesday, March 28, 2017
Knight in Shining Denim (otherwise known as I've fallen and can't get up.)
Pajama Day!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!! I haven't called that in a while.
Yesterday, Myasthenia Gravis, Empty nest, Removal of Thyroid, Being put to Sleep with some Neuro Blockers( neuro blockers and myasthenia hate each other), having 3 doctors’ appointments this week and finding out yes mine was Thyroid Cancer, got to go see and oncologist, figure it's a formality.. All came crashing together, don’t leave me now, just getting to the fun stuff. When I got home, I went to change clothes and get comfy as normal. But the big box we keep documents in caught my eye and I thought of a paper I needed out of it. So, I squatted down to look through the papers and fell backwards. OK not so bad. For a NORMAL HUMAN. Not too easy for Lisa Freeman. I tried to pull myself up, I got on my knees. Bad move, new knee hated that move. so, I sat back down. And scooted to the door frame and tried to pull myself up. Couldn't do it (and I tried more times than I can count). I called Rodney he said scoot to the straight back chair in the bedroom, I could get up with it. I laid on my back and started scooting (just easier on my back for me). I called Joshua to see where he was. He, Amy and Aubrey were in Attalla. I said no hurry I would figure it out. I called Chelsea and Shawn they were in Gadsden and I told her it was Ok once I get to the bedroom, I would be able to get up by myself. (OH, Repetitive movement makes Myasthenia worse) So Rodney calls again to see where I am, I've made it to the other closet and nearly in the bathroom. He said call 'JavinandTraci O'Barr I said no way, this was to embarrassing. So, as I scooted getting more tired and more tired, I called my sister at the bank for a visit and kept scooting. Laura and I decided she couldn't leave the bank to come help because then everyone in the bank would want to know where she was going and that would be way, way to embarrassing. So, she stayed with me till I got on the carpet. I couldn't call Anna or Justin they both worked to far away. I told Laura if it was the new carpet in the living room in front of the heater I would just curl up and take a nap, that was all the strength I had left. So, after talking to Rodney yet again I called JavinandTraci O'Barr. Javin the knight in shining denim was here in less than 2 minutes. He helped me sit up. Found my tea and my Mestinon. I took 2 Mestinon and then he helped me up into the chair in the bedroom. I hope I didn't hurt his back. That always worries me, because let's face it I'm not a tiny thing. So, while I was resting for the move to the living room. Joshua and Amy showed up. They said they didn't come because I fell, but I'm sure they cut their plans short. Thank to both of them. When they arrived Javin was able to leave. Joshua and Amy got me to the living room to my chair where I spent the rest of the afternoon. My sister ratted me out to mama. She just can't keep a secret...lol....(that's the funnies thing in the story if you knew my sister). I'm Wooped today, but no worse for wear. Thank you to everyone who talked to me while I was scooting, it took every bit of energy I had to get to the carpet. Thank you SO MUCH JAVIN, you are my knight in shining denim. I'm better today but not great. I will take a while, to get over the anesthesia. I hope your day is better than my yesterday was, love you all.
Proverbs 18:24 - A man [that hath] friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend [that] sticketh closer than a brother.
Ecclesiastes 4:9 Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour. 10 For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up.
Myasthenia gravis (MG) is a long-term neuromuscular disease that leads to varying degrees of skeletal muscle weakness. [1] The most commonly affected muscles are those of the eyes, face, and swallowing. It can result in double vision, drooping eyelids, trouble talking, and trouble walking. Onset can be sudden.
By Mayo Clinic Staff
Myasthenia gravis (my-us-THEE-nee-uh GRAY-vis) is characterized by weakness and rapid fatigue of any of the muscles under your voluntary control.
Myasthenia gravis is caused by a breakdown in the normal communication between nerves and muscles.
There is no cure for myasthenia gravis, but treatment can help relieve signs and symptoms, such as weakness of arm or leg muscles, double vision, drooping eyelids, and difficulties with speech, chewing, swallowing and breathing

Through a grandchild's eyes.

Through a grandchild's eyes.
Through a grandchild's eyes.
I'm 55 years old and until late yesterday evening (Friday July 15, 2016) my Mammaw Swink was still alive. She was 102. Not your typical 102. She had been able to live in her own home until this March (2016).  Amazing right. Her mind was sharper than mine, her eyes still danced with laughter and love.  Well what can I say, my Mammaw Swink was perfect. I say this as only a very spoiled grandchild can. My whole life I have lived in Alabama and she has lived in North Carolina. All of my growing up years we went faithfully two times a year and spent about a week each time. We couldn't wait to arrive. There Mammaw would be with a big beautiful smile, hugs and lots of kisses and more kisses. Mammaw's house was always a happy place, a warm place, a place of love. Her house always smelled of baked goods any time of year.   At Christmas it smelled of cloves and peppermint.  A 10oz Cheerwine or Coke was always waiting.  In the summer homemade ice cream. (never really understood the banana ice cream, but it was all always good).  Mammaw would correct us when we misbehaved and pop to the butt was always a choice you could have. Mammaw is the first person I remember to introduce me me to butter pecan ice cream. She would walk by us and pretend to be licking a cone and give a wink. That was code for its ice cream time, and that happened even after I was an adult and I was the one who brought the ice cream. Her eyes were full of fun, laughter and mischief.  But she was straight with you. You didn't ask her option unless you want her dead straight truth. She was a wonderful wife to my Pappaw who died in May of 2000. She was a wonderful loving mother to 7 Children 4 girls and 3 boys. My mama was perfectly in the center. She had 19 rambunctious grandchildren. (Wouldn't some of us or all of us love to be called that now). She showered us Smith babies with so much love when we went that we continued to try to go and take our Children at least once a year all of her life.  My children have taken her loss very hard. I haven't. I don't mean that cold or heartless. Mammaw will be so missed, I can see her rocking in her chair and hear it squeaking as I write this. Her one flaw was her stubborn refusal to get a hear aide...lol...there were just some things she didn't need to hear. I can't sit at my sewing machine without thinking of her working at hers. Pancakes on the griddle. Oh, and she gave me that griddle and I finished wearing it out. How blessed I have been to have gotten to be Janie Alice Sharpe Swink's grandchild for 55 years. I will always be her grandchild but to have known her that long is such a privilege that so few people get. I said I haven't taken her loss hard,I'm sad. But I'm old enough to understand the miracle I have witnessed that was her life. And I know she was saved and ready to meet God with the blood of Jesus applied to her life. So, my heart is glad for her that she has finally gotten to leave this imperfect body and receive her perfect one. I will miss my kisses, but much to my amazement I have become a kisser too...lol..all of you that are part Sharpe's will understand that.  But I know a secret that I just had to share, she was already perfect she was MY MAMMAW.

Thursday, March 16, 2017


I wrote this several years ago, it is still how I feel. But many things have changed with my babies this year. I want them all to know how much I love them and they are home to me. I miss y'all so, but am so proud of how you each are living you life. Today I'm thankful for my HOME. Not the house I live in that is just the address where we sleep. HOME to me is what happens inside the walls and the people who are inside the walls with me. Home is the love, laughter, sadness, anger, tears, happiness that is shared with in the wall of a house. I take HOME with me everywhere I go. I feel at home sitting by my sweet, GRUMPY Rodney Freeman. I feel at home when Logan and Carter are building tents in the  a living room, and Aubrey dancing all over my house. The 3 having tea party in the living room.  I feel home while watching Chelsea try to take 3 boxes of no cook pie and make 2 desserts out of them. I feel at home when Joshua calls me every day to see how I feel and what I thought about the TV show of the day. I feel at home when Justin calls and say "whatcyou doing" or is sending me and interesting pic of what ever he's doing, especially when Logan's in it. I feel at home when Anna and I are snuggled up, her on the couch and me and Bitz in my chair watching a movie together. I feel at home when Laura and Nolan have come to play cards and we laugh and laugh at the fact that I can't count. Home is a hug when you feel down. Home is the peace I feel sitting in my chair talking to God. We can have a house but it takes life lived to make a home. I hope everyone who comes to my house feels at home. Home is a comfort word, it is an unbelievable feeling that you have when your at peace with all that is going one around you. I believe that my home Starts with God, then my wonderful Rodney, then my 4 unbelievable children, and now 3 Awesome Grand Babies,  and my 2 wonderful daughter-in-laws and a son-in-law. Welcome to my home anytime. You may find a house in disarray, but MY HOME is always intact. Love each and ever one of my FACEBOOK family you are home to me also. Thank you one and all for being part of my life and helping me have that comfort that acutely comes from God thru you to me when I need it. It gives me that nice HOMEY feeling, knowing you are there. I love my HOME, Thank you God for the HOME you have given me, and I pray that I am not selfish with it that I share it with everyone I come in contact with. Welcome to my HOME.