Friday, July 21, 2017

New Powerport

Captions log July 21st, 19:30 Zulu Time.This is the 4th day of a 4 day IVIG treatment with new 1 week old Powerport. Went for my check up Monday on new port, Got good report, but still some swelling.(so we know the thing was put in there). Tuesday 10am port accessed with no problem, but the shear fact of the accessing of it caused more swelling.(not good along with boob fat). At this time I should have started icing but I didn't think of it.( Pretty dumb of a nurse I know). Day 2 of IVIG. PORT difficult to stick, took about 6 times for her to finally get in it ( we thought it was in then found out the sneaky thing spit the needle out).  IG infused and I'm pretty sure the last half went into my tissue. Post meds burned like I was one fire but I didn't say anything, didn't want my nurse to feel bad.( I know I should have spoken up).  Day 3,  YAY Kerry's here. My Kerry. My port whisper. The comfort of just hearing her voice. YAY, YAY, YAY. She looked at it thoroughly, touched, mashed and probed and couldn't really fell it.  OH NO!!!! Swelling everywhere. Pooffy swelling. Left over from massive amounts of fluids being dumped into my upper frontal parts.(Yeah, boobs) You know the ones ;)...Kerry felt and felt and felt and about decided there was no port in there. So she finally found where she thought it was and we stuck. That port had disappeared. Had it really been there. Did I dream it being accessed on Tuesday. Did they really put a new one in the last Monday.  I have an incision, but I didn't take care my self, after this one was put in on Monday. I didn't keep my arm still and let it heal. So after more sticks than we care to talk about,(we agreed this will never be spoken of again) we started a hand IV and we got the meds in which was the goal and we met our goal.(and the IV held up)  Now we devised a plan. I iced all day yesterday and all night. Took ibuprofen for inflammation, took 40 mg of Prednisone for inflammation. I took Lasix last night to help get rid of the extra fluid.( Slept in living room recliner so I wouldn't disturb Rodney every time I had to get up to potty)  And I made a paste of cortisone, triple antibiotics, and lidocaine cream, that I reapplied every 4 hours, all night long. At 9:00 am Kerry arrives I put on no upper underwear, laid back in my chair. Yay we could feel the port.(yes it was really there,even though it kept hiding) Kerry hit it the first time.(Hallelujah) I held the  needle in place while Kerry collected the other things we needed. I tasted the saline.( I have never been so glad to taste that nasty stuff).  We were in the saline provide it, then she started pushing meds at first it was great then it started to burn horribly. Oh No, The needle had slipped out. Oh well, I was already swelling again no since going hunting. So we decided to started another peripheral IV for IG. It held up for the whole infusion. So God was good to us. He was good to us while I was having to be stuck all those times, he has a lesson in this for me, pray I learn it the first time. I'm sore, our egos are bruised, we're ordering longer needles for next month. I'm promising my self to take it easy next week so I will heal. Thanks everyone for the prayers. It's been a physically and mentally hard few days.( Made that way because God was dealing with perfectionist, yeah we know we're not perfect, but that don't stop us from trying) But that port hasn't defeted us. It will make us stronger just having to deal with the stupid thing. And at least we know it's really there because I tasted saline, never so glad to taste that nasty is so good to us. My goodness this wasn't a catastrophe. I didn't loose my faith in my Lord Jesus Christ,  any loved ones, any friends, any "things". God has blessed me with more than I can ever ever ever Thank him for and for me this wasn't such a bad day. Love you my Kerry.

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