Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Why, why, why.....it seems to me this is what we whine all the time. Or at least I do. Dose it sound familiar to your ears. When we are first learning to talk this is was one of our favorite words, WHY. Why do I have to do this or that, Why are you so mean to me, Why is life unfair, Why did that have to happen to me, Why do I have to wait, Why can't I have what I want, Why, Why, Why. "Ours is not to reason why, ours is to do or die" these word were written by Alfred Lord Tennyson. But what do they really mean, to me. Well as Christian, who tries my best to live my life by the words of God in my Holy Bible, I should never ask Why, but I do. We like to think we have control over our lives. And then when, what we think are bad things happen to us, we automatically want to ask Why. We want to ask God Why all the time. Well maybe Alfred Lord Tennyson was on to something. "Ours is not to reason why, ours is to do or die." Don't you think God would love it if sometime we just said OK I'm trusting you, that this is your plan for my life and I want your Glory to show thru my life with this trial. To do or die. Wow those are strong words. Even our precious Jesus, while hanging on the cross said in Mark 15;34 "My God, My God, Why has thou forsaken me." He was the perfect sacrifice for the sins of the whole world and HE CHOSE TO DO BY DYING. Wow. I think that God had to look away from him because of my sin, and your sin, the sin of the whole world. Do we think we are really better than our Saviour. There is no comparison between me and Jesus who laid down his life for the sins of the world. Maybe when I'm asking Why, I need to look at my self. I don't believe God can look upon my sin unless it is covered by the Blood of Jesus. He promised me he would never leave me, but I leave him all the time. Maybe we need to listen to Jesus when he is asking us, Why are you not trusting, Why do you think I would leave you in this mess, Why do you think your better than others when it comes to trouble and trials. All I can say is OH MY. Maybe its me, no not maybe, but definitely me. Maybe I need to rid my life of sin, daily, hourly, minute by minute. Because that is the only way my prayers will ever be heard. Maybe I just need to replace the word Why with" Thy will for my life be done". How much happier would I be if I just deleted the word Why from my vocabulary. It's a hard thing to do, because we are just human, but we are to strive, to be like Jesus. The only perfect man, who chose to be a living sacrifice for my sin. Maybe he should have been the last person to ask Why. We will be a fallen creation until we get to heaven, and the only way that will happen is if our sins are covered by the blood. So, will I ever be able to rid my self of that pesky word Why. The honest answer is NO, I'm just a lowly human. Will I try to do better in the future, Yes that is my intention. Will I succeed, I'm afraid the answer is still NO. Not by myself, not on what Lisa can do, only thru Jesus do I have any hope of ridding my self of this word. This is just what has been on my mind, I hope it is a help to someone. It has been a help to me just to think about it. So lets say good bye to this pesky word Why. To do or die. I hope God finds me doing in the name of Jesus and not dying in my sin and asking Why this bad this is happening to me. Love y'all Lisa, but not near as much as Jesus does.

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