Monday, April 18, 2016

Peace in the Valley

Peace in the Valley
This morning at 6:30 Bitz let me know she needed to go outside. I wasn't really on the same page as she was. I said can't you wait a little longer. Like hitting the Bitz snooze button. But God didn't give dogs a snooze button. So, after pulling the covers over my face, thinking if she couldn't see me, she could that didn't work. So, I rolled out of bed and I mean “ROLLED” (as only a really fat woman can do). Every muscle and joint in my body hurt. But that's what I get for being 55 years old, no more or no less than anyone else. I opened both doors Bitz runs out and starts sniffing everything in the world. She faked me out. So here I stand on the concrete, in my PJ's, and barefooted. Thank the good Lord no one drove by; my hair was sticking up every which way because of my c-pap headgear. I guess I looked like a crazy person. I really just wanted to stay in bed, but I don’t think that was God’s plan for me this morning. It was one of those wonderful cool mornings. There was a soft breeze blowing, the kind of breeze that doesn't blow your hair, but you can feel softly on your face. I looked up and the sky is gorgeous all bright blue with big fluffy clouds floating by, and the mountains are in their full spring green, they are beautiful. Then the Birds started to sing, all different kinds of birds I couldn't see them to know what kinds, but the sounds were just all different. Even a Woodpecker join in with a ratta tat tat. It was beautiful, it was a strong soothing sound. Then the Doves started cooing, one of my favorite nature sounds. The Cows were mooing, Possum (the donkey) started braying his good morning bray. I could hear dogs barking in the distance. Oh, it was so beautiful words can’t even come close to describing what I was hearing. What a blessing God gave me. And I felt this great need to share it with you. The Song "Peace in the Valley " came to my mind and I was singing There will be Peace in the Valley for me some day Oh Lord. It seemed the Birds, Woodpecker, Doves, Cows, Donkey and Dogs were singing it too. So, I had to find the song and I shared the Johnny Cash version. It made me think of Valleys. We have physical valleys like the one I was standing in this morning. Low land with surrounded by mountains. But we also have Spiritual Valleys. We get so low in the Valley and the Mountain looks so impossible to climb. But if you make Peace in your heart while you’re in the Valley. God will help you defeat anything and give you Peace in your heart while you’re going thru the trouble or trial that has put you in that valley. I really wanted to share with you this morning the Peace God can give you, if you get on your knee and talk with Jesus about it, he will help you get thru anything. but you have to be a true believer who has given their heart to Jesus. You have to be saved, to receive this Peace when you’re in your Valley. I PRAISE GOD THIS MORNING FOR SENDING HIS SON TO DIE FOR MY SINS. I PRAISE JESUS FOR LIVING IN MY HEART. PRAISE THE LORD PRAISE THE LORD FOR GIVING ME PEACE IN THE VALLEY. Both physically and spiritually. I need to tell you the story of Texas. But it’s not time yet. But I do have PEACE form Jesus about Anna’s move. My prayer this morning is that whatever trial you’re going thru today, that you get that” PEACE THAT PASSETH ALL UNDERSTANDING”.
Philippians 4:7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Isaiah 52:7 How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!”How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!s

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