Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Help me see my plan is not always your plan.

Dear Lord, thank You for my life and everything in it: the good, the bad and all the future blessings that I know You'll send my way. Help me to recognize the trials in my life as Your gifts in disguise and to wait patiently as Your plan comes to fruition in my life. Amen.

This is a prayer I read this morning. It is beautiful. Why do we find it so hard to know, that sometimes, things we think are devastating and horrible are really gifts from God. I know why I have a problem, I get so wrapped up in the now that I forget to look at the big picture. I think we are all this way. We each have troubles and trials, in our lives. God never promised that we would not have troubles and trial. He ONLY PROMISED TO NEVER LEAVE US. Wow how many other people in your life can you so that about. I would like to believe that my family would never leave me, but life changes all the time and as they go out in the world, they are physically leaving my presence. And I miss them. But I know they haven't left me, that is as it should be, and that they're there any time I really need them. I don't have to physically see them to be with them. Its the same with God but only better. We don't have to worry about cellphone, or Skype coverage dropping out. He's there immediately. God never ever leaves us physically or mentally. He is always there. But we take that so for granted. We want to pull Him out like our favorite blanket to wrap around us when we're sick or tired in spirit and soul. But He's there all the time, we don't need to sit him on a shelf for when we think we have a need. I believe we have a need every second of every day. I will try my hardest and I know with God's help all things are possible, to keep him wrapped around me all the time, and be thankful for the good and the bad thing that come through my life. And know that he dose know the big plan for my life and the lives of the people I love. All I know is the moment in which I live. I really believe life would be so much simpler if we would try to make the simple words in this pray how we live our lives.

Dear Lord, thank You for my life and everything in it: the good, the bad and all the future blessings that I know You'll send my way. Help me to recognize the trials in my life as Your gifts in disguise and to wait patiently as Your plan comes to fruition in my life. Amen.

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