Friday, April 2, 2010

Things: where is our heart

Matthew 6:19 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: 6:20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: 6:21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

Luke 12:34 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

This is such beautiful scripture. And it is in two different places in the Bible, that tells me it's impotant. Do we every really think about where our treasures are. Things, things, things,just seem to get in our way so often. I had something happen here at the house, last month when the nurse Jolie came to check Rodney off on accessing my port. We always use my dining room table as our work station. Well everyone knows that when I finally got my back pay from social security we bought some new furniture. We have never had much furniture the we bought, most thing we had were given to us over the years. Joshua now has my old table which was mama and daddy's, that I stripped and refinished at least 20 years ago. It had sentamental value and I'm glad Joshua wanted that table in his home, but if he had not wanted it and none of the others had wanted it I would have found some one to give it to that might have been in need. So back to my story about accessing that stupid broken port. We had to opened 4 start packs, used 6 Huber needles before it was finally working. When we went to clean up the HUGE mess we had made, we discovered that where we laid the antibacterial swabs after we cleaned the site, multiple times, on one of the sterile barriers. Well the sterile barrier we put down was not liquid proof, and some of the the very strong antibacterial liquid leaked through and made a fist size spot on my new table, where it took off the finish, that's some strong stuff. Oh me, the little girl who was here to check Rodney off got so up set about ruining my table. I told her not to worry it was just a thing and she had made a memory there for me. She was so upset that we would be mad. And maybe years ago I would have been mad, but what good would that have done. Would I have been an example to her of where my treasures are. To me things are just things that some times envoke a sweet or sad memory. Just like my Boston Rocking Chair that my Grandaddy bought me when I graduated from high school. I stripped it and refinished it last summer, because the girls thought it looked bad, and it was well used and not very steady. So we made a memory by working on it, Rodney did a lot of the work. And now I use it to display the first quilt I ever pieced by my self. That is a good memory. But if it was gone tomorrow I don't think I would be upset because its just a THING.

I told these story's about things in my life that I like, but they are just things, to give examples of some of the things I have accumlated over the 47 years of my life. They will not get me to heaven to live with my precious Lord and Savior Jesus and God the father, and the Holy Spirit that lives with us every day to comfort us when were down. That is where my heart should be. I enjoy the wonderful things God has allowed me to have. I am Blessed far beyond what I deserve. I want my first treasure to be my Lord and Savior, then my husband who is solid gold, the the 4 diamonds in my life named Joshua, Justin, Chelsea and Anna. And the new diamonds in my life Lesile and Amy. I want people to see me as having my priorities right and my eyes on Heaven. Where are your treasures, would you have gotten mad over the table. We let things rule our lives, we say if I just could get this my life would be easier. This is a lie of the Devil. Things never make our life better, there's always some new thing that comes along that makes us think if we had it our life would be better. When the only thing we need to make life better is the hope and trust and faith in Jesus Christ. THINGS, THINGS, THINGS. What things are you wanting. I like nice things but I want my heart to fully devoted to Jesus. How about you.

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