Thursday, August 18, 2016


5:00 am I came suddenly completely awake. And reached my hand to touch Rodney's shoulder, it wasn't there. I missed him, I like knowing he's there and that I can just touch him, and it just strengthens me, comforts me. The room was very still and dark except for the softly playing radio in the background. I reached and hit the button to change it to my station. The song playing was telling me it was 5:00 somewhere, just as it turned over to the Rick & Bubba kick off hour. As I laid there the prayer I said just before falling asleep came to my mind. "Lord please let me sleep all night tonight." I immediately said "Thank you Lord Thank you for the rest of my body".  So I get up and  hobble to the bathroom (both of my knees are killing me). I am just going back to bed. Then I think I better get Bitz up so she doesn't wake me back up in 30 min. When I open the door to let her out, the humidity hits me in the face like a wall. Oh, how I hate the month of August, I think. Then God says, " This is a day I have made you need to rejoice in it." Then the sweetest breeze started blowing, not that hot humid breeze, it has just a tiny bit of cool refreshment in it. The crickets were chirping and I could hear Sally the horse taking to me. Thank you Lord for the reminder. THANK YOU FOR GIVING ME THIS DAY. Bitz and I went in and did her usual routine. I fixed me a glass of chocolate milk, wishing Anna's hands were making it, she makes the best chocolate milk in the whole world (absolutely no exaggeration). Then I throw Bitz up on the bed (yes I said the bed) she curls up in Rodney's I think....he will love that. Then as I lay back down, I think I was sleeping so deep this morning I don't remember my kiss. Some mornings I don't, but most morning I do. He always kisses me goodbye as he leaves for work. It one of those soft sweet kisses. And since c-pap has come into our lives it's usually on my cheek or forehead. It's my I love you from him. I don't get the words. He just has trouble saying them, he says people use that word to easily and out of habit. That's just his opinion. But in my house it's the one that counts. I have no doubt of his love for me. It's tangible. I can feel it in just about every thing he does. 35+ years so when he does says it its precious.  This is the kind marriage that I pray that my children have. Not to have no I love yous,  but the tangible love that you feel no matter what is going in in your lives.  With Chelsea's wedding 4 days away I pray that she and Shawn have this kind of marriage. I pray that they realize the the vows they are taking aren't just to each other but they are vowing to GOD till death do us part. I will love you. That doesn't mean I always have to like you, but I have to find away to work through that dislike, because I promised God and you I'd always love you. The wedding will be beautiful. My Chelsea will be beautiful. But none of this means anything if the Marriage isn't the most important thing they are concentrating on. My hope for you is that your first move every morning is to reach out your hand to touch your spouse for the strength and comfort, that together with God you can conquer any problem that comes y'alls way.

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