Friday, September 23, 2016

To: Mama and Daddy From: Finn

Hey, mama and daddy. It's Finn!  I'm so excited!!!! to finally get to see y'all for the first time. I have know y'all for 9 months. I had been safe and warm in mama's tummy. Just hanging out. Learning about who my mama and daddy are. I know how much you love me. I could feel your hands on mama's tummy when I kicked and rolled around. I could hear your voices as you laughed, read to me, talked with friends, watched TV and hollered at the TV at Walking Dead, NO NO NO. One day you will have to explain that one to me. I was with you at Church where I was already learning about Jesus. I loved the music, it made me happy. I am used to a lot of noise. Just think of all the things I've been involved in during the last 9 moths. Noise is a comfort. Daddy I loved when you read me stories, and mama when you would read to me and daddy, that was fun. I've been growing and getting so much stronger every day. And on Tuesday Sept 20, 2016 God decided it was time for me to come into your world. It was bright and loud. I'm used to loud. But it's all that bright light I really don't care for.  And this breathing thing I'm not so sure about.  I liked being in mama's tummy so much better, it was easier for me, if not for mama. I felt was much safer. It was cuddly and warm. But this milk thing is a good deal. And now daddy can cuddle me, I like that very much. Oh and when I cry they pick me up. Cool. Very Cool. I will have to remember this. Now mama and daddy I will apologize in advance. Because I've been in the dark so I've got to figure out this night and day thing. And the milk is great but my tummy isn't use to it yet. So sometimes it may make my tummy hurt a little. Just remember this is normal and my tummy will get used to it. But I may just have to cry, it's nothing you did, it's just part of a newborns life and the adjustments I have to make in my new world. I love the milk and sometime will want more than I need, and this will also make  my tummy hurt. MYLICON GAS DROPS, YUMMMMMMY. They will be our best friend. I know the next 6 to 8 weeks I will be trying to  but, remember I love you. And I know how much you love me. I promise one day I will sleep all night and I will try to do it before I start High School. These first weeks will be hard on y'all but remember I'm used to your noise, it makes me feel safe. Hold me as much as you can it makes feel safe. The safer I feel now the more self confidence I will have as I get older. I know your voices, they make me feel comforted and safe. Remember when we've been up all night that this will pass. I promise I will settle down and get in a routine, one which I will make. Sorry if you think you will have the control. But you will be so tired that I will have the control at that time. But I promise you will get the control of our lives back. Just wanted to say before all the crazyness starts that I love y'all so much. I love your touch and your voices and the milk stuff is the bomb. And remember sometimes I will just have to cry because that's just what tiny babies do. I'm making my lungs really strong. Ear plugs are a nice thing for you when I have one of these times. But just wait. Before you know it I'll smile at you when you talk to me. And then I will try to talk back. Then everything will be funny and I will giggle over every thing. You will do anything to make me giggle because you will love the sound so much.  I will not particularly care for tummy time to begin with, but will lean to love it. Hold on, this first year were going to do a lot of learning and growing and I promise I will make you laugh more than cry. That's after the first 6-8 weeks, no more that 3 months, maybe. lol... I'm not making a promise. It's going to be fun. Getting to go to Church, I've already been going for 9 months and I will cry some but I will be learning every second. So don't let any one tell you your spoiling me by holding me all the time. Your not. By 6 months I'll be scooting around investigating every thing around. By a this time next year I will be walking and running and playing so hard I want have time to sit for very long before. I will be up and down in your lap but I will need to get down more to run and play. Hold me close, hold me tight, kiss me, love me, enjoy me right now even in your exhaustion. Sleep when I sleep. We will all sleep better next year, that's nearly a promise.  I will grow up way too fast. I am so glad God gave me both of you to be my mama and daddy, I am already blessed beyond measure.
Love you new son,
Finn Morgan Bryant

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