Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Standing on the solid rock

Our Sunday School lesson was about a Firm Foundation. This is a print of a painting that hangs over my TV. I look at it all the time. My Daddy and Mama bought it for me. It helps me remember where my foundation is and that is built on Jesus Christ. This morning I'm so glad I had that foundation last night. Now to some this may sound so silly, but to those of you who have a companion pet(dog, cat or what ever). Mine happens to be Bitz my Rat Terrier. She is 9 years old and last month had a really bad liver infection, which in part comes long term use of seizure medication. And was explained to me when we had to put her on it that it would be hard on her liver. So we did all the meds. And she has gotten so much better until last night.  Bitz who was crate trained and slept in her open crate for her first 5-6 years of her life now sleeps in the bed with someone. I know a dog in the bed but it's like, my dog, my house, my bed. Anna would sneak her in the bed with her for a long time. Then it just became the normal. Bitz even tells us when it's time to go to bed. She is so funny. Then on one of the girls trips Rodney (who use to declared he didn't like the dog in the house) got her and put her on the end of our bed so she wouldn't be by her self. I'm just  trying to paint y'all a picture of what this dog means to our house. So last night Anna was working so Bitz started the night on the bed with me and Grump. I thought she would jump down and go with Anna when she came in but last night she didn't. And I'm glad. Before we even fell asleep she snuck up between Grump and me, where she wasn't supposed to be. We all went to sleep. About 11:00pm I woke up with her trembling. On no seizure is coming. So I go and get her an extra seizure pill as I've been told to do and get it down her throat. And she just trembles and I pet her. So around 2am. She goes into full blown Grand Mal seizure and she seized and seized and seized. She would calm a little then seize again. 2 different times between the seizes she stopped breathing. I cried a lot last night. Yeah I know she's a "JUST" a dog, but she's my shadow, my companion, my sanity at times. She has the perfect personality for my family. She loves my grand babies and they love her so much. I prayed for God to give me peace and comfort if it was time for her to die. That peace that can only come from God when your foundation is built on the solid rock of Jesus came over me. I was able to say God your will be done. I will miss her but I can't stand to see her go thru this again. But God spared her this go around. She couldn't walk when I got her up to go potty this morning at 6am. But by the time we were back in the house she was walking and moving slowly. She's asleep in the chair with me now. I feel the comfort of her breathing, the warmth of her body against my leg, I feel her heart beating. I praise God for that solid rock he gave us to stand on every moment of the day. I couldn't make it with out God every day. God is good ever day. Every day with God is good. Think about where your foundation is and how it is that you get through those long hard dark nights. With God your never alone. Build a firm foundation, the storm is coming. Even if it's something you may think is as silly as loosening your dog. Thank you God for your peace and comfort.

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