Wednesday, November 9, 2016

How many Apples in a Seed

How many "Apples are in a Seed."
About 15-20 years ago I saw this on a church sign. I was stumped. A blonde movement ( or fake blonde moment ) I guess. I thought they've got that backwards. Apples aren't in seeds, seeds are in Apples. So I pondered and pondered. DUHHHH. Then God revealed it to my dense mind. You have to plant a seed, water it, fertilize it, prune it, spray it for infestations. And it grows and grows into a tree, then eventually you get Apples. But you have to keep the process up to get good Apples. So one day I might be the one to plant the seed of Jesus in someone's heart, or it could be your day to do that job. It might be my Job to water the seed, that means come by and reinforce the message through my actions and words and to show Jesus in my life. Or that might fall to you to do that. Fertilizer. Ok the person has let the seed of Jesus take root in there heart. You 100% can't just run off and hope it will grow. Fertilizer is the word of God. Teacher them where to go when they need to grow. That seed has to have Water and Fertilizer. Then as it grows in some ones heart and God starts pruning the bad stuff out of there lives we have to be there with our Bible open to help them understand. What the trials are really about. Then you spray for bugs. Oh me this can be hard. If we let Jesus shine in our lives and don't go with every thing everyone else is doing we can shine the light on infestations. That need to be removed, more pruning. Then the tree is in Bloom and it's beautiful. Those blooms turn in to Apples. Some Apples perfect and good some wither and die, some get rot. More pruning. All the while people are coming thru the persons life to water, fertilize, and help prune the bad out. Then that tree will grow beautiful Apples. Apples that have many many seeds in each one. Let's plant seeds, if the opportunity shows it's self, we should look for that opportunity all the time.  We should help water the seeds that are already planted. Then we should fertilize the seeds that are already planted. And we should always be ready to help when the trees need to be pruned. The pruning can be so hard for a new Christian. But as Christian's this is what Jesus commanded us to do. I will make you fishers of men. So I ask you this morning "How many Apples are there in a Seed".

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