Wednesday, October 4, 2017

I wonder Why?

I Wonder Why?
We have such devastation from Hurricanes.
Oh, I don't need to Know God is in Control.
I Wonder Why?
A crazy man would shoot up a country music concert and kill 49 people and injure over 500.
Oh, I don't need to Know God is in Control
I Wonder Why?
My sweet sister in law is having to be away from her family for work, when my earthly eye thinks they all need to be together.
Oh, I don't need to Know God is in Control
I Wonder Why?
The elderly in my Church, are having to live in such pain. When I pray for their comfort everyday.
Oh, I don't need to Know God is in Control
I Wonder Why?
There are people in the world who are hungry and have no food, when we throw leftovers out all the time. We should be managing our resource better. But Who do I tell, who takes control, it is overwhelming.
Oh, I don't need to Know God is in God Control
I Wonder Why?
My sister has to live so far from her grand babies. It seems so unfair(I know life's not fair) but I know the love and kisses and sweetness she is missing out on and I feel greedy and selfish because I get to have this and she doesn't. She never complains and always has a picture for me to see of those babies. She is content with a computer screen and flying many miles for a kiss.
Oh, I don't need to Know God is in Control
I Wonder Why?
My sister is so strong and I'm so weak. I'm talking about my character and faith and just about everything. I admire her so much, for the Grace and Strength in the Lord she shows me all the time.
Oh, I don't need to Know God is in Control
I Wonder Why?O
My sweet daddy has to have Parkinson, And his mind is slowing down. Why he has to be so unsteady on his feet and fall so frequently. But I do thank God he hasn't broken anything yet.
Oh, I don't need to Know God is in Control
I Wonder Why?
My mama is having so much trouble with her legs.She has always been so young.  It just hurts me for her that she's not able to do the things she used to do, with out having to take several days to rest after. . It's hard to watch to when your parents are aging.
Oh, I don't need to Know God is in Control
I Wonder Why?
When my child does everything right that she can't find her niche in life. I want her to follow her heart. But It seems to break her heart every time. Back to the grocery store. I wonder what God has in store for her. I pray he shows her her way. And that she and we are willing for his Will to be done
Oh, I don't need to Know God is in Control
I Wonder Why?
My other 3 children seem to be doing well all the the time. I pray for each of their family's and marriages. That they always turn to God in times of crises. But I have not control over that, which is as it's supposed to be.
I Wonder Why?
My sweet Judy has to fight that ugly Cancer. And she does it with such strength and Grace. A smile on her face. She always lifts me up, causes me to laugh and forget our problems for just a moment in time. I wish I had that quality.
Oh, I don't need to Know God is in Control.
I Wonder Why?
I'ms sick all the time, This last year has just about got me.
Oh, I don't need to Know God is in Control
I Wonder Why?
The sky is Blue and the Grass is Green
Oh, I don't need to Know God is in Control
I Wonder Why?
God saw fit to give me Rodney ( Grump ) Freeman as my helpmate. The love of my life. The most wonderful husband in the whole world. What did I do to deserve this Blessing.
Oh, I don't need to Know God is in Control.
I Wonder Why?
We concentrate on all the bad in the world and don't Praise God for the good. He takes care of our every need. I could go on for ever. and ever with this.
Oh, I don't need to Know God is in Control
I Wonder What?
You wonder Why about. The troubles and trials in your life. The Blessings in your life, Only you can answer this question.But just Remember This one thing when you ask this question.
Oh, I don't need to Know God is in Control

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