Tuesday, May 21, 2019

When I Was Young

 I’ve noticed people on Facebook comparing different  things that date their age.
So this is When I was young. I could have written for days.
I saw the first ever man walk on the moon. JFK was shot and killed. I watch the Impeachment process of a president on TV and he resigned instead of being impeached (Good bye Tricky Dicky, we owe you an apology) My first grade year 1967, was the first year Ashville elementary school was desegregated. So I Didn’t grow up without my African-American friends.(Thanks Alice Tuner for braiding my hair at recess). Nedda and Ellise were 2 of my other dear friends(desegregation was great it was all I knew). Red Skelton show my favorite TV show. The Vietnam war was still raging. They Took the Lords prayer and Bible verses out of public schools. We got our milk delivered by the milkman once or twice a week. We couldn’t wait for that delivery truck to get to the house, because it had other goodies on it too. I Rode my bicycle up and down the roads here in Gallant all the time and never ever thought of a predator. We didn’t have to have a seatbelt or a car seat when I was little we could lay up in the back window of a car if we wanted to. That was pretty cool. My mama or daddy‘s arm was of the seatbelt we needed. I remember 3 places you could go and still have the water drawn up out of the well and we all drank from the same Ladle.  Best coldest water in the world. And I’ve used more than one outhouse and yes one only had a sears catalogue to wipe your bottom with. And I am still alive.( though I was terrified of falling in the hole). I Had the big measles,  the little Measles, and the mumps, and chickenpox. I was vaccinated for small pox. I remember when they came to school when I was in elementary school, lined us up and gave everybody a shot with this strange gun thing and drops under our tongues for polio, the first vaccines I guess. We did not have kindergarten when I was little you learned to read in first grade and you didn’t learn to read good till second grade and there was no multiplications until about fourth grade. We played outside all the time. There were no hand held games and no cell phones. We had a party line that means we shared a phone line with someone else. So you always hoped they weren’t listening in on your conversation. And I never listened to there’s, (at least not for long.) Does anyone else think they’re pushing our kids a little too fast. But what do I know I’m 58 year old women. All these things happened when I was young. But I didn’t have to walk up hill 5 miles each way to school and back in the rain, snow, sleet, or hail like some people. I believe it was a pretty good time to be young.

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