Monday, December 2, 2019

Logan’s Thankful

Thankful List
I wonder when I’ve finished a crochet project and you have 2 yards of yarn left why do I keep it. ( it’s garbage it will only tangle the other yarn) But keep it I do.
I wonder why I have enough 6 inch blocks already cut and ready to make a quilt in my stash and they just sit there and sit and sit there and sit there.
I wonder exactly what makes a battery work and why do they die. Couldn’t they put enough of the go juice in them so they would last for ever?( I know the battery people would be out of a job, maybe that’s why)
I wonder why toilet paper never gets put on the roll. (My bad too)
I wonder why the tooth paste get squeezed from the center never from the end.
I wonder at the magic of throw pillows, they make the grandest forts, tents, and cuddlers.
I wonder why I think cinnamon in my coffee is Awesome and other people turn there noes up at it. Yum.
I wonder why I like dark glumy rainy days instead of bright sunshiny days. ( it might be because I can open the shaded)
I wonder how Toby can make such a mess and run like the wind. If he thinks your playing, and you will never catch him. When all you want is a snuggle.
I wonder why snuggling with him is so peaceful to my heart.
I wonder what is the problem with my legs that if I sit for 2 or sleep for 12 and wake rested my legs want hold me up. Just weird.
I wonder why our full speed ahead Aubrey, who laughs the loudest, ah Grammy, sing to the top of her lungs in my bath tub, And howls like a wolf gets, shy when there’s more and 2 people around. She sings like an Angel and that ain’t just because she’s mine. ( praying the shy is just a phase)
I wonder why Anna had to spend 2 nights in the hospital again and miss 3 days of work again. I know it’s God’s plan and we need to just go with it. (But it sure is hard to watch your baby baby be in that much pain)
I don’t have to wonder why Justin took his family to California for a year to live in a RV, I see the joy of this trip on Leslie’s face in every picture.
I don’t wonder why a Joshua runs, I see it on his face too.
I wonder if Rodney is making it good on his first day back to work. He was so excited to be finally going back. ( prayers please for a no re- injury.)
I wonder why IVE GOT TO GO TO UAB for a second opinion. My most hated place to get a diagnosis about my lungs. But I will go because my doctor thinks it’s best for a 2nd opinion.
I wonder why my carpet is softest after it’s been vacuumed.
I wonder what is in RJ’s little mind when is says Whoooodat, whaaadat, is he storing all the information and is just going to start talking and already know everything, there is to know. Whaaatttdat
I wonder what our sweet baby Jackson will look like. Hope he has some fat little cheeks. Shawn’s dark hair and the Freeman blue eyed. But I also love RJ’s brown eyes, so I’ll be happy no matter what he looks like. So really I just pray for a healthy baby boy, and mama.
I know my wondering is silly, God knows all the answers and I shouldn’t put a thought to any of these things. I should just say Praise God from who all Blessings Flow.
I wonder why Children get things so well in a moment when it takes an adult years. I wish everyone could have heard the call from Carter age 5 when he called me and said Grammy I’m saved, Jesus lives in my heart. And the heart break in his little voice when he said Grammy they were really really mean to our Jesus.  And He did that so he could live in my heart. That’s a shouting blessing.
I wondered why Justin and Leslie let Logan have an email address. But now I know. I was to make me feel better. That may not have been what was in their minds, but it has been one of the sweets consequences. I love it. I talk to him many time a day. It is great. Hey Grammy are you up yet, was Thanksgiving morning. We talked about being Thankful.
I wondered what an 8 year Logan would say he was Thankful for on Thanksgiving. I told him make me a list of 10 things you are Thankful for. I sent him 10 Things I was Thankful for, that early Thanksgiving morning. I got his list about bed time here. His mom and dad didn’t know he was making a list.
I wonder sometimes why I have been so blessed. It is nothing I do I’m just a sinner saved by Grace. They were really mean to my Jesus, but he did that for me. Am I worthy NO NEVER, but he did it anyway.
I know this is the 2nd day of December but I want to share Logan’s Thankful list. It made me cry that an 8 year old wrote this. He’s a very special young man. I can say that because he’s mine.

Logan Connor Freeman’s What I’m thankful for list and it came with a selfie. Love my babies.

I’m thankful for 1. My good family 2.for Jesus Christ dying on the cross to take away my sins 3.that we are a free country 4.that I get to travel 5.I have food to eat 6.That I have a house 7.That I have friends 8.that we have money 9.That we can go to church 10.That we have people that protect us

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