Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Say it ain't so

Say it ain't so, say it ain't so.... I'm about to celebrate another birthday. And up until this year, I still thought I was 19. But there comes a time in life when you must step back and reevaluate your life. You must look at yourself the way you really are and not how you want to be. It has hit me hard this week.... I'm getting "OLD". There I said it. It happens to all of us, it is a slow sneaky process. One of your first clues is you have 30 something children. And you can't I remember how that happened. Then starts the sweet years of "GRAND" babies. And OH, they are grand. This whole year has hit me hard over the head. I haven't been as sick as this year in a couple of years. So, I know some of my mind set is because I've been sick. But some of it is just because I have become "OLD". It hit me hard in the face yesterday. I went with mama to the Ladies Undergarment Store. I was pretty tired from the trip the day before to JoAnn's and Penney where I did nothing but stand and watch them shop. And got pooped. So, I didn't have as happy an attitude as I should have. So here we are in the Ladies Undergarment Store, you know those clothes that you’re about the only one to ever see. And this little teeny bopper (and another sign that you’re getting old) said mam can I help you. I said yes and told her what I was looking for. Now this store is full of beautiful, youthful, sexy even (yes sexy I'm 52 not dead) Ladies Undergarments. First, she says let me measure you. (Hold it, I'm 52 years old, I should never "HAVE" to be measured in public.) But she measured me and informed me in her very, very peppy voice that I've been buying the wrong size. (I really didn't think so). But I went with it, and she said I have just the thing for you. And her little peppy self-took me to the "OLD LADIES' section. I said this is really not what I had in mind. (You do remember at times I still think I'm 19 and that I can still stand on my head and do a cartwheel, if the need were to show it's self). Oh Mrs. Freeman, and I had already told miss peppy to call me Lisa. I know she was trying to be respectful. So, I said OK, I'll try this on, but I grabbed the size I usually wear and put it under the stack. I found myself in the dressing room and trying on the Undergarments. What "peppy" picked out for me was very comfortable. What I picked was not. I could have cried my eyes out. I came out and "peppy' was waiting and I said I guess I'll get these. So, I left the store with my nice new, Ladies Undergarments, feeling very, very old. So, this morning as I got dressed and put my new comfy Undergarments on, I thought well I guess this is the birthday that I have been dreading for years. It’s the one where I have to declare I'm just old. No more late nights for me (that's staying up until 10 pm) no more shopping till I drop (that takes about 30 minutes) If you need me you will find me in my chair either crocheting, or quilting. I'm a Grammy now. The joy of my days is filled with toys strewed over my floor with a little boy squealing with joy over me throwing him a ball are playing horsey in the floor. Letting him kill the 'rattlesnakes in my kitchen' so that Grammy and the horse can go in there and be safe. So, as I sit here with my feeling hurt about the "Ladies Undergarments" I'm waiting for that little man to get up and brighten my day. And hey, he makes me young in heart if not in body. Grammy sit here, and he pats the floor beside him down in the floor. Now I see really see the joy of growing older. And my goodness how young will I be when there are 2 little boys wanting Grammy to get in the floor and play. How old will I feel after they leave.... lol...... Maybe getting older means I'm getting a little wiser. I know that God is where my treasures lay. So, sitting here in my new comfy Ladies Undergarments, I feel just blessed to still be here. Thank you, Lord for your Blessings, on me. If you need me, you know where to find me in my chair crocheting. Maybe not feeling to old.
Isaiah 46:4
Even to your old age I will be the same, And even to your graying years I will bear you! I have done it, and I will carry you; And I will bear you and I will deliver you.

Psalms 92:14
They will still yield fruit in old age; They shall be full of sap and very green,

Psalms 71:9
Do not cast me off in the time of old age; Do not forsake me when my strength fails.

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