Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Bucket List

Bucket List

I know everyone has heard the term bucket list. That is a list of things in this life we would like today before death takes us home to Jesus. Well yesterday I got to mark something off my bucket list...lol.... My children and when I use the term my children that includes Joshua, Justin, Chelsea, Anna, Leslie, and Amy. this is the order they joined the Freeman family. So, to get back to my thought, all of my children love to go kayaking. They call it a float, or Joshua says I just need to put my feet in the water. I have always wanted to go with them. But as everyone knows the Myastenia weakens my body, and this numbness in arms and hands scares me. But the other day when they were getting their trip up, I said I want to go float. Joshua was supportive, Chelsea and Anna both showed extreme shock on their faces when they found out I was going. The only thing that would have made it better for me is if Rodney, Justin and Leslie could have gone. But they all had previous plans. Rodney's was a hay field waiting on him. So the plan is made, we are to be ready at 7 am, ( I didn't tell them then that I had taken 120 mg of Mestion, that helps with the Myasthenia but I use it sparingly because it is what cause my heart attack in 2005, so I just take it if I really need my strength, and I took another dose when we arrived.) Joshua and Amy got here to load up the girl’s kayaks. So about 7:30 am we are on our way, Dry clothes packed. (guess who forgot her towel), My hat had to be changed because Anna give me the I can't believe you have that on look and said, " Mama you need a real hat", so she got me one. Sun was screen applied. (Rodney wouldn't let me leave without spraying my whole body even places the sun don't shine. (I don't know who told him this was at nudist camp, but you can't be to careful. Oh yeah, the sunscreen was 115 protection) So off we go, one stop to pick up snacks, and then off to Terrapin Creek. So, I'm excited (really, really excited) and the girls and I sing all the way there. (I am a tiger hear me roar...lol.) Joshua had planned to rent a canoe for me and him, the thought that would be the best option for me. Of course, the lady at the desk talked us out of that said the water was down and we would just keep getting stuck on the rocks. (which turned out to be not true) I made sure everyone knew if I drowned while on this trip it was because the kids had killed me, a very real possibility.  That was the only reason I could figure out the why they let me go. So, they load up the kayaks we all get in the back of a truck and off we go for a nice peaceful float. They take us i the getting in spot and the guy said now enjoy your 8 Mile ride. 8 miles how had that escaped my notice. Ok so in for an ounce in for a pound. Anna became the official Rodney Freeman of the group, which is what I called her a lot during the day. Mama hold my hand to get out of the back of the truck, mama these leaves are slippery, mama look there is a step down. I know she was being a great daughter. But sometimes you just want to be an adult and let the chips fall where they may. So, it's time to get into the kayak, down a semi steep sloop to the water, kayak already in the water. So, Joshua and Anna are trying to hold on to me while I got into the kayak and I landed in the kayak with a loud thump. But I didn't turn over. Yea me!!! And then they handed me my paddle. Now everyone was loaded, and we were on our way. I'm feeling pretty proud, because I got in without flipping into the water. We are paddling, (I thought this was a float) so glad I took that Mestion and had another dose tucked away). and they all kept telling me to turn paddle around 180 degrees, that I wasn't holding it right, I keep saying that I'm paddling with the scoop side. (not floating) What they didn't tell me was that the paddle was shaped different on each side and that was why I needed to turn it around. That little piece of info would have saved them a lot of breath, because I finally figured it out when we had done about 7 1/2 miles. They would say paddle to the left side mama and if I knew my right from my left this would have been no problem, but they would say left and I would go right. Really frustrated them…lol….  And like a 2-year-old I I just told them I could do it myself. So, I struggled to stay off the bank and in the middle of the water. I thought we were going to float, not have to drive this thing with a paddle. Who knew you had to paddle to keep from getting stuck on the rocks. So, we were making it pretty good. Joshua had only had to get out of his Kayak to get me unstuck once. It was so beautiful paddling down this creek, it was so peaceful. And the time spent with my children was priceless. So now we're a little over half way of the 8 miles, and one of those pop-up thunder storms hit and hit hard, we paddled a little way getting soaked to the bone. The we saw people on the right side of the bank in some shelter from the trees. Yes, we all knew not to stand under a tree in a lightning storm, but the other choice was the water. They all got out of their kayaks and kept calling me to pull up they would help me out. I really would have rather staid put and took my chances with the lightening. So, Joshua jumped back into the water to steady my kayak so I could get out in the water. Well there was a big log under the water and when I stepped out, I landed on it and pulled me and Joshua down into the water, and he lost his shoe. (but he found it) I get to the bank and think I will crawl up and don't forget we are in a down pour of rain. Joshua had one arm and Anna kept saying mama given me your hand I kept say it will hurt you back and I can do it myself. Finally, Anna said " GET MY HAND!!!!!!!!!!" …lol so I got her hand and they pulled me up. We waited out the rain, and then had to get back in those kayaks, but I really made it in better than the first time. We were all loaded up and one our way, about 100 feet out I turned to wave that the people we had been stranded with and to say we enjoyed the company. And I flipped my kayak Ok kids I know how to swim been doing it all my life, lol. And I can stand up and the water at this spot is a little lower than breast high. So, I was just going to try to pull myself back in the boat. Joshua kept saying let’s just pull back to where we were, and you get back in but of course "I can do it myself" so looking like a beached whale and Anna holding the other side of my kayak so it wouldn't flip. It flipped, so Joshua said hold on the kayak, and I will pull you back over. I let go and started to swim back, I thought this would be easier on him. Then Joshua looked back and said, "MAMA I TOLD YOU TO HOLD ON TO THE KAYAK AND I WOULD PULL YOU, YOU ARE SO STUBBORN, AT LEAST NOW I KNOW WHERE I GET IT". So, they got me loaded without incident. We were paddling along, and I got stuck on the rocks, "I can do it myself". and I did, finally. "STUBBORN" I heard this a lot. We finally make it to where you unload, and it was nicely concreted. I got out easily and then had to climb mount " kill-a-man-garo" Joshua helped me up by this time I was glad I had a hand to hold. I went on to get my dry clothes on while thy carried 5 kayaks up mount "kill-a-man-garo". got in there to change my clothes and I had not packed a towel. I dried off with paper towels...lol.... not good but the best I could do. In one of the pictures you can see me napping on the way home, I'm not dead as some people thought. I want to Thank God for this great adventure, we laughed and laughed. I want to Thank God for keeping us safe in the storm. I want to Thank God for the precious time I got to spend with my children, that was wonderful. And I want to Thank God for not letting the kids kill me because I know I was a trial to their patience. Thank God for the beautiful day and giving me the strength to go. I'm very tired today but I know that would be the way it is. I have no regret because I will probably have to spend the day sleeping. God is good and he lets me know the consequence to my actions. And I would not trade my day yesterday on a float with my kids for anything on earth. There is a time for everything, yesterday it was to laugh and dance. (Oh, by the way the float wasn't at a nudist camp, I was so relieved)

Ecclesiastes 3
3 There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens:
2 a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
3 a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
4 a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
5 a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
6 a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
7 a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
8 a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace.
9 What do workers gain from their toil? 10 I have seen the burden God has laid on the human race. 11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet[a] no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. 12 I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live. 13 That each of them may eat and drink and find satisfaction in all their toil—this is the gift of God. 14 I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it. God does it so that people will fear him.

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