I Wonder…
I wonder where this road will lead
How far you’ll go, how you’ll succeed.
I wonder if I’ve done enough
To get your ready, make you tough.
I wonder if you feel prepared
or if you’re just like me and scared.
I wonder if you’ll be okay
Without me with you every day.
I wonder if you’re not the one
That’s ill-prepared and wants to run.
I wonder how I’ll make it through
My day-to-day was made of you.
I wonder if it might be me
That’s petrified of what’s to be.
I wonder if I’ll still be needed
Now that my job has been completed.(Author Unknown)
I know that at this time in my life my job of raising my children is all but done. I know my nest is fixing to be empty. This makes me happy and so sad at the same time. I am proud of all 4 of you, Joshua A. Freeman, Justin Freeman, Chelsea Freeman, and Anna Freeman. Joshua you have grown in to a caring, hard working man. You love Jesus with all your heart, the most important thing in this world. You have been gifted from God with a Godly wife and are waiting on God to send y'all a child. I know you both will make Awesome parents, in God's time. I am proud of the man you have become. Still full of mischief and laughter. I thank you for not forgetting daddy and me, and making sure we still get to share your life. You take more time for us than we deserve. And for taking on the job of being Nana and Pawpaw's handy man. I know you have a lot on your shoulders right now and I am proud of the way you are carrying the load.  Justin you have grown in to a caring, hardworking traveling man. I would not have thought you would be my traveler. You were such a homebody when you lived with me. I remember you saying one time when you were just a little fellow, "mama I want to live with you for ever", I knew this would never be, but I sometimes wish you were still home with me every day. I miss you so much, but I love the pictures you send me from the places you go. You have brought so many places to me that I will never get to see. You love Jesus with all your heart, this is the most important thing in this world. You have also been gifted with a Godly wife and the most wonderful son, and another baby on the way. You are raising your child with God in the center. This is your most important job right now. Raise up your children with God as their center and you will be blessed beyond measure. And you will be sending them out in the world on there own way too soon, and you need to have them ready. I am so proud of you. And just keep turning the lights on, people need you.  Chelsea, all I can say is WOW. I am so proud of the woman you have become. I am proud of how you live your life in front of others. You love Jesus with all your heart and show it daily. I am so proud that you have looked FEAR in the face and said, I'm tired of you, go way. To be going to school for Nursing Assistant, Phlebotomy, and Physicians Assistant is something I would have never dream of for you. I am so proud of you. And really proud of the work ethic you have and the study habits you are using to make great grades in school. I have to say a big wooooooooohooooooooo. I am going to miss you so when you do fly out of the nest Daddy and I have provided for you. I pray that God has sent or will send you a Godly man to marry. This needs to be your prayer. And I look forward to watching you work in you chosen profession, but most of all I look forward to seeing the mother you will make. I am proud of the woman you have become. I feel my nest coming closer and closer to being empty. I will miss you so my SPARKLY girl.  Anna my baby baby, lol....I know its just 3 minutes but you are my last baby. I have to tell you how proud I am of you in the way you have dealt with your health problems. I know so many days you just put on your big girl boots and do what needs to be done. I see the pain in you face and eyes. I was a little concerned about your career path. Not that I didn't think you would be a great Nanny. I know how great you always have been with a baby, or and child. My concern was your income and the how you would support your self and afford all your medication when you have to come off Daddy's insurance. But you are blowing it away. You are GREAT. You are an awesome Nanny and your business is growing. You are so calm cool and collected in dealing with and loving your babies. You mange Ellis and Logan when we get to have him like you have been doing it all your life. I am proud of the woman you have become. You will be a great mother, when the time comes. I am most proud of the love of Jesus in your heart. I know you will share this love with any one you come in contact with. I pray that God send you a Godly man for a husband when the time is right according to Gods plan. I will miss you so when its time for you to fly out of our snug little nest. But I see it coming. 
I am sad for me and so happy and proud for my 4 wonderful children. I miss them all so much. But my job as mother is coming to an end and I am starting a new chapter in my life, whether I like it or not. I ask that all 4 of you pray for me as I miss you so much.And the empty nest will be really hard for me. But, Logan has helped bridge that gap, and I so look forward to all the grand babies that God will send my way. I hope I have so many that I have utter ciaos in my house again. I love the ciaos of children playing, crying and needing to be loved in my house. God has blessed me beyond measure with my wonderful husband Rodney and my 4 beautiful children, y'all are beautiful insided and out. (As the poem said "I wonder if I’ll still be needed, Now that my job has been completed.(Author Unknown) Love you, Love you, Love you, Love you. 

  • Lisa Freeman

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