Monday, December 22, 2014

Oh am I doing My the Job God wants me to do

Well I have fallen down on my job this year. I like to thinK of myself as the card lady. I keep an assortment at my house at all times and I love sending a card or for no reason at all. It gives me joy knowing someone is walking to their mailbox expecting a bill and there pops up and unexpected card. Funny, Get well, I understand, I'm praying, just thinking of you. All of these cards are important. There are many more, and I do try to finds ones that are uplifting and maybe f
unny, I so love to give someone a LAUGH. To me laughter is the best medicine. Well this year I have fallen down on my job. First of HOW is it already DECEMBER 17th. Aubrey will be here in 3 months to a new life in our family . Where did this year go. I wanted Joshua to bring his fancy camera one Monday and take a picture of Rodney, Logan, Carter and I for my card. I always put a lot of thought in my Christmas Card and as so many don't get to see my precious boys, I wanted to share them on my Christmas Card. But now its DECEMBER 17th. where did the time go. I had a special project this year for my Church Christmas Cards that I did get completed, But It's DECEMBER 17th and I still haven't made my card yet. So yesterday while being herded around in Walmart by Joshua and Chelsea I was just going to buy some Christmas Cards to send out. But they kept such a tight leash around me that of course I never even thought of Christmas Cards for my self while I was there. I picked Jessica out two beautiful cards to go with with her Christmas gifts. It makes me so proud that I get to help her at Christmas time. It is truly a blessing to my heart to be part of their Christmas. And since I have mentioned her don't forget to keep my Favorite Niece and her family in your prayers. OH!!!! I'm off subject. Maybe thats why they think they have to heard me around in Walmart. But this morning I'm sitting here with no Christmas cards to send to my family and friends that are out side my Church. It isn't by design, and please don't think I left you off the list this year on purpose as no one is getting a mailed card from me this year. IT"S DECEMBER 17th for heavens sake. While I've been worrying about work contracts, insurance, bad blood work, a knee that just want get better, bronchitis this month, Kerry and Jack, Carter being sick, treatments with 3 different nurses, thyroid nodules, and a family that tries to protect me by not telling me everything that just makes me worry more about stuff not less. You know I've had a bad year health wise and it it has made this year pass off so so fast. So it's DECEMBER 17th and these are the cards I want to share with you, and maybe next year I will do better and get a picture for Rodney, Logan, Carter, Aubrey and I and actually get a card made. . Love you all, MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL MY DEAR FRIENDS, AND READ THE CARDS, I HAVE INCLUDED IN THIS POST. MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS
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