Saturday, December 27, 2014

The Great Tie Quilt

Matthew 7:14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
Do you ever try to take short cuts? I do it all of the time. I thank everyone for the kind words about the Tie Quilt top I have made for Kerry. We started this project 4-6 months ago, I'm not really sure because time seems to fly and I don't know where it's going. When she mentioned it I said and this is a quote "that should be pretty easy to do." This is a memorial and memory quilt for a Christmas gift. We had plenty of time. I pulled a Joshua and a procrastinated some, but I was hunting patterns while she was collecting ties. There was no pattern that I could find, I found plenty pictures but no pattern. She brought the ties and we laid them out in a Dresden Plate Design. It was beautiful laying on my floor. We discussed whether to take the ties apart. I said, " No I think we can do it without that". She had decided to have it machine quilted because of the bulk of the ties and the person she is giving this too, probably wouldn't know the difference between hand quilting and machine quilting. It was the ties that were precious( that is why I go so upset). So we cut the ties the length we thought they needed to be. And I got fabric from Laura's free fabric shop to Applique it on. I DON'T APPLIQUE. Judy Phillips Bowlin had come over and given me a lesson and some help with the little pillow case dresses I made. And I told Kerry we had to just get it mounted to the fabric enough that she could get it to the quilting shop. WRONG WRONG WRONG AND DO I NEED TO SAY ONE MORE TIME WRONG. I had the ties all laid out, the center figured and I pressed on this sticky stuff that was MAX STRENGTH to mount it on the back ground fabric. Guess what, it didn't stick. The ties were way to thick. And we had used both ends of the ties. And the way the sticky stuff went on the skinny end of the ties caused me great problems later on. I tried to take the short cut. I veered off the straight and narrow road. I was looking for the easy way out. I sat one night for a LONG LONG time and took all the ties apart. My goodness ties have a lot of junk in them. That is when I discovered I had RUINED half of the ties the small half, and had some problems with the big end of the tie. There was sticky stuff every where. I had to call Kerry and confess my sin, It was the sin of a short cut. She had to buy over 20 more ties from the thrift store. And boy, do thrift stores think a lot of there ties. Of course, to make things worse the week I had planned to make the top, I had a stomach virus and went strait into and upper respiratory infection. And was so sick and weak last week. God was telling me you should have taken those ties apart to start with, instead of taking a short cut. So I took the new ties apart, by now I am a pro at that. Had to make a pattern that would let me make a big circle with a small circle in the center in proportions. Geometry was not one of my strong skills. So when I went to cut the new ties, I discovered all I needed was the small end. (the ones I had destroyed with the sticky stuff). I have a whole bag of the big end that has been taken apart and pressed. Kerry might sell them to you, but remember the thrift store thought a lot of those ties. I got them sewn together and my proportions, of course were WRONG. So I made a center circle and guess what this short cutter did, I pressed it on with the sticky stuff. (Don't believe what you read, it will not bond ties to fabric. So I used enough of the sticky stuff to hold the whole thing down while I took it to the sewing machine. Zig Zagged the center on and thought the rest could be done by the person who is going to run it thru their quilting machine. Of course that didn't work. So I had to Zig Zag around the whole thing and it is pretty big, and all I have every appliqued is a flower and a heart on a tiny dress. So it took me about 45 minutes to get around the whole thing because I was going slow and trying to stay on the straight and narrow. So long story short. ( Yes I know your ready for this to end) I should have taken all the ties apart to begin with and not tried to cut corners. But we do this all the time in life we try to cut corners to get things done faster and usually end up having to start over and do it the right way in the end and how much time and worry would you have saved your self if you had just went ahead and took the long straight way to began with. Were that way with God, we get off of his path so easily looking for a short cut. Are you short cutting God. I am, I have to confess this is one of my sins. Any bright shinny thing will pull me off the path. Or I will see what looks like a great short cut only to find my self in mud up to my knees or in a briar patch. I thought this scripture really fit, this quilt top. Don't short cut God. Because it says in Matthew 7:14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Watch your step. And stay on that straight path, the short cuts will KILL YOU. Love you all, Lisa
Lisa Freeman feeling blessed
Well here it will be in a bag next to the door in the morning... Kerry Quinn when you make one of your many trips first thing carry it out and let's not speak of it again....and when you take it to be quilted promise me you want tell who made this mess...its not up to my standards but this is the best I could do... next time I say that should be easy ...just slap me .....just glad its done

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