Saturday, September 21, 2019

Joy on the Mountaintop vs.Sorrow in the Valley

I've been thinking. Yeah, I know that's a dangerous thing, but sometimes I just can't help myself. It is 3:47 am. I have been chocked full of steroids this week. Monday a big shot of steroids and antibiotics for a sinus infection I have and then steroids with my IVIG treatment. So, I haven't slept much this week. Steroid highs aren't very pleasant, but you do get to feel much better much quicker with the shot and the antibiotic shot. At 2:22 am I thought I'd take Toby for a walk outside. (yeah, I've lost my ever-loving mind). I was afraid I'd lose him, so we went with the collar and leash (yeah Toby was so excited to see those). Toby wasn't a bit impressed with the wet grass or being outside period at 2:22 am. So, our little walk didn't last very long. But, while we were out that minute and a half, I enjoyed the cool fresh air. And thought Justin's birthday was September 19th, so we will start getting some fall like weather before long. I breathed in the cool air of this wonderful Valley I live and Thanked God for letting this be the place he chose to let me live, my whole life. I have been truly Blessed.
I began to think about being Up on the Mountain and Down in the Valley, figuratively. That's how we refer to how our life is going. But I've been thinking about that mountain we climb with God. I think we spend about 10% of our time on top of the Mountain basking in the Joy and Peace of God with no problems, all tears wiped away, all problems solved. I think we spend about 10% of our time Down in the lowest part of the Valley in what we consider utter failure as a Christian, we whine, I don't have enough faith, or I've dug a hole so deep I'll never get out. There's just no way out of this situation. God has left me. Stop Right There!!!!!!!!
Who has left God? Oh yeah, that might be me, let me fall on my knees, let me fall on my face, and get humble and go to the ONLY place where there is help and cry out JESUS. 
Now I guess you're wondering about where that other 80% has gone. Well let's start with Down the Mountain first, where we spend 40% of our time. You're setting on top of the Mountain with Jesus and some tiny little thing comes along, and you think oh I can fix this myself no need to bother Jesus on this one, SLIP, feel the rocks start to crumble under your feet. But hey there's a tree limb to hang on to, you've got this. Then something else comes along like insurance matters, and you tell Jesus I've got this one. I've fought these people before I can do it again. They don't have any tricks that I haven't seen before. But wait a minute, I wasn't this sick last time I fought the insurance companies. BIG SLIP, SLIP. Oh, and I've just counted and have had 11 infections in the last 13 months. So, my body is just getting weaker. Do I call on Jesus, well he's pretty busy I'll talk to him about it in passing? I'm talking to Jesus every day. He knows my heart. So, what if I don't tell him the particulars of what I'm worried about. He knows already. SLIPPPPP, SLIPPPPP.  Workmen's Comp, Sick Husband, Your Children, Your Grandchildren, Your Parents, Your Bills, those crumbling rocks turn into a rockslide and before you know it, you’re in an all-out rockslide. And if you happen to catch something to hold to and it's not Jesus it's going to break away and you will fall on down into that Valley of Despair.
Now we've talked about How we get there. Now let's get out. 40% of our time I do believe it working to climb out of the Valley back Up to the Mountaintop. First, we must realize where we are and what Stupid things, we have done to get ourselves down in the Valley. Most of the time it's a control issue. I want to control my life. God made us this way. It's hard for us to give up our control and say, Jesus THY WILL BE DONE.  I've been wrong, I've sinned against you by thinking I didn't need you in EVERY aspect of my life, I'm tired of wallowing in this pit of mud and yuck of my own making. I know you are there waiting for me to wake up and know you are LORD. Then he will scoop us up and stand us up and hold our hand. But I don't think that he just lifts you back to the top of the mountain either. I think we must work on getting there the other 40%. Because who appreciates something they didn't work for in this life. We must prove we will turn to him for everything. And we will say the deepest desires of our hearts out loud to Jesus. Yes, he already knows, but you among us has had a child that has come to us wanting something but wouldn't say what. I knew it was gummies, but they wouldn't say they wanted a bag of gummies they just wanted something. I always say do you want a can of soup, NO, some tuna, NO, until they say gummies. No different with our Lord, and we better turn around and say Thank You or we might have a little SLIP. 
It would be wonderful to live on the Mountain Top 100% of the time. But we as humans, are so flawed and so imperfect, it just ain't going to happen. To my my goal would be to decrease my time falling and laying down there in that Valley. But that is all on me. I can't put the blame on anyone or anything else. It's just me. Climbing a Mountain is hard, but with the right equipment makes it much easier. If we Carry Jesus with us, The Word of God, We put on the Whole armor of God, and at times Be Still and Know He is God. The Climb to the top will even become an enjoyable task. And make that JOY on Top of the Mountain even Greater. Love, Y'all. Wherever you are on that Mountain, don't forget Jesus is right there with you, just call his name. Wherever you are on that Mountain, don't forget Jesus is right there with you, just call his name. It might just reverse your direction. Ya, never know.

Sunday, September 15, 2019


Been a long week. IG. Getting to know Toby. Appointments. G-Babies. Just a little bit of everything.  Toby is the funniest little dog. He makes me laugh. He wants to sleep behind my head. He loves his dog bed and a chewy bone. He crawls underneath the couch and hides things. He’s as fast as greezeded   Lightning. He bounces across the floor he doesn’t run. Hitting the potty pad more than not. Very pleased with his 9 week old potty training accomplishment. I think he will even do better after his next set of shots and I start putting him on the ground. I still miss Bitz. But Toby has eased that so much. Personalities couldn’t be more different. I’ve already decided that he has ADD, not very bright and what I’ve always thought about girl dogs being smarter is true. But please know one tell Toby I would want to hurt his little feelings. He crawls up on Grammy’s no,no,table. Took me 10 minutes to get a halter on him took him 2 minutes to get it off. I’m looking forward to a lot more smiles from Toby.  Thank you Lord for this 3 pound blessing.

What A Friend

At 5:30 this morning and yesterday morning the air out side was so cool and fresh. I thought Fall is just around the corner.( as the day went on I changed my mind) I was Sitting on the deck with Toby, waiting for him to use that puppy pad🥴. He’s an early riser and at my house at 5:30 is so quiet, except the squeak of the swing as I go back and forth. In the Silence and the fresh cool air it’s such a perfect time to talk to Jesus. When I pray I have a conversation. I talk to my Jesus. I knew he already know my heart and all the things I have to tell him about. But it just make me feel better to share things with my best friend. That’s how I think of Jesus when I’m talking to him. The best sweetest friend I’ve ever had. He always listens. He takes care of everything. And not always the way I want but in the way that his word and message will be spread. What a Friend we have in Jesus. I hate getting up at 5:30 am.  D fresh time to talk with Jesus. Thank you Jesus for Always being there for me to here me cry to her me laugh, to be my best friend. What a friend we have in JESUS. Read the Lyrics to the song
What a Friend We Have in Jesus
Joseph M. Scriven, 1855. He really got it right.

What a Friend we have in Jesus,
  All our sins and griefs to bear!
What a privilege to carry
  Everything to God in prayer!
O what peace we often forfeit,
  O what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry
  Everything to God in prayer!
Have we trials and temptations?
  Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged,
  Take it to the Lord in prayer.
Can we find a friend so faithful
  Who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness,
  Take it to the Lord in prayer.
Are we weak and heavy-laden,
  Cumbered with a load of care?
Precious Savior, still our refuge—
  Take it to the Lord in prayer;
Do thy friends despise, forsake thee?
  Take it to the Lord in prayer;
In His arms He’ll take and shield thee,
  Thou wilt find a solace there.

My Brown Eyed Boys

What’s on my mind FaceBook asks me. Rodney James and Toby are on my mind. RJ 13 months old and Toby 11 weeks really all that’s all my mind... lol... I have decided they are approximately the same age. Sometimes I think RJ is the older and then sometimes I think Toby is the oldest. RJ still wears a diaper so potting isn’t an issue with him yet.  Toby has potty training down pat one day and is a complete failure the next. So I’m frustrated with his efforts. But that will get better. My 2 boys fuss. Toby nips RJ’s toes. RJ loves Toby a little too hard. And they play chase till someone gets made, if RJ Is mad he CRIES, if Toby is mad he hides under the couch. Toby listens and minds unless he doesn’t want to mind. RJ doesn’t mind unless he does want to mind. They both make me laugh. They both put everything in their mouths. Some food most of the time No, No  stuff, they both love the oxygen tubing in my nose. Toby chewed up 3 Sunday that I had to change out, and it’s not cheep. RJ just wants to pull it out of my nose and put it in his, so they can be all teeth and hand when there in my lap. I love them both dearly. RJ more than Toby(because I do realize Toby is a dog, but when Rodney goes back to work and my house is silent he will be my comfort) But do love Toby a whole lot. (Thank you again Gail Slaton and Stacey Slaton McClendon for my sweet Toby, I’ve forgiven-him for being a boy, he’s a sweetie). Toby sleeps half the day. RJ hardly sleeps any all day. But RJ sleeps all night long. Toby wakes up everyday at 3:30 am to go on the deck to potty. He does both at 3:30 am every day. And then goes right back to sleep in his crater.  He is doing great in the crate at night and when we have to go some where. Then he wakes up again for the day at 5:30, and I mean ready to play. for the day. Then RJ is up at 5:45 for the day, Also ready to play. So I’m up early every morning. When RJ isn’t here I just want to take Toby and crawl back in the bed. You NON DOG PEOPLE WANT UNDERSTAND. But Rodney said after Bitz passed away we weren’t having another dog in the bed. Bitz is so much bigger than Toby will ever be. Bitz took up his foot room... lol. So a little nap probably wouldn’t hurt. I nap with RJ on the bed. What’s good for one of my brown eyed boys should be good for my other brown eyed boy... lol. I’m so tired after having both all day. But it’s a good tired. They are funny and they make me laugh all day. RJ dancing to Winnie the Pooh music. Toby pouncing on his toys. And dragging toy twice his size to hide under the couch. I have to say I Love my 2 brown eyed boys. The days wouldn’t be the same without them. I’ll be glad when Toby out grows up and older than  RJ. And hope it happens before the new baby comes in Dec/Jan. But right now 13 months and 11 weeks are pretty much the same age in baby years and puppy years. I’m s like having twins again. I’m glad I didn’t wait until December to get a puppy imagine have 3 babies in the house. Glad Toby will be 6 months in November that way he can have his little surgery. Oh well I better get a nap while there both asleep. My sweet boys.


When people ask why do I have to endure this or that trial, whether it be sickness, money problems, family problems, depression, and a million more things that people endure on a daily basis. We are so bad to say why when we pray. Why God haven’t you fixed this or that problem I’m having. When we should be saying thank you Lord for Myasthenia Gravis it keeps me humble and on my knees. Lord I praise you for it. And the scripture I hold to is the one below. God will one day give me perfect healing. When he takes me to heaven and I’m sitting at the feet of Jesus. There will be no more falling, no more depression, no more restrictive lung disease, no more stage 3 thyroid cancer, no more Myasthenia Gravis, no more IG, No more worrying how the $50000.00 a month (not a typo) will be paid if insurance changes, no more joint pain, no more c-pap. I cling to Revelation 21:4. Maybe this is a day you need to hold it close to your heart.

Revelation 21:4
And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

“Oh What A Day That will Be”
There's Coming a day
When no heartaches shall come
No more tears to dim the eye
ALl is peace forever more
On that happy godden shore
What a day, glorious day that will be
What a day that will be
When my Jesus I shall see
When I look upon His face
the One who saved me by His grace
When He takes me by the hand
And leads me to the Promise Land
What a day, glorious day that will be
There will be no sorrow there
No more burdens to bear
No more sickness and no more pain
No more parting over there
And forever I will be
With the One who died for me
What a day, glorious day that will be
Source: Musixmatch
Songwriters: Jim Hill
What A Day That Will Be lyrics © Ben Speer Music

Those Davis Boys

I haven’t made a big comment about my new Grandbaby. I didn’t want to take any of Chelsea and Shawn’s joy of getting to tell it. So now I will share my feelings about the baby. IT’S A BOY!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!Just what Grammy thought it would be. Just what I wanted, and 18 months apart what better Mischief makers than two little boys. You can say things like “let me tell you what those Davis always did this morning”. I hope they will be like Laura and I, those “Smith Girls”. Or “Your one of those Smith Girls, are ya the biggen or the littlen,” never new if they were talking age or weight.  I loved being one of those “Smith Girls” some people might not have liked their identity tied up with someone else’s so close, but I loved it. So now I’ll have me a pair of “DAVIS BOYS” and I can’t wait to see all the things they get into. Mr. Rodney James is already so curious, busy, and rambunctious, I can’t wait to add little brother to the mix. We will be having THOSE DAVIS BOYS stories everyday.  Love my G-babies. That spit fire Aubrey makes me laugh. My two California boys, who I miss terrible already but who I’m getting to FaceTime with, not the same as touching them, but you can see the happiness on their faces. They are with mama and daddy and are loving their big Adventure. RJ is my brown eyed boy, precious baby. He’s fixing to loose his spot as baby. This will make 4 boys, 1 girl for me. ( oh and if it had been a girl, it would have been just what Grammy wanted😃☺️😍😍) GRANDBABIES ARE JUST GRAND. Davis Boys has a ring to it.