Sunday, September 15, 2019


Been a long week. IG. Getting to know Toby. Appointments. G-Babies. Just a little bit of everything.  Toby is the funniest little dog. He makes me laugh. He wants to sleep behind my head. He loves his dog bed and a chewy bone. He crawls underneath the couch and hides things. He’s as fast as greezeded   Lightning. He bounces across the floor he doesn’t run. Hitting the potty pad more than not. Very pleased with his 9 week old potty training accomplishment. I think he will even do better after his next set of shots and I start putting him on the ground. I still miss Bitz. But Toby has eased that so much. Personalities couldn’t be more different. I’ve already decided that he has ADD, not very bright and what I’ve always thought about girl dogs being smarter is true. But please know one tell Toby I would want to hurt his little feelings. He crawls up on Grammy’s no,no,table. Took me 10 minutes to get a halter on him took him 2 minutes to get it off. I’m looking forward to a lot more smiles from Toby.  Thank you Lord for this 3 pound blessing.

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