Sunday, September 15, 2019

Those Davis Boys

I haven’t made a big comment about my new Grandbaby. I didn’t want to take any of Chelsea and Shawn’s joy of getting to tell it. So now I will share my feelings about the baby. IT’S A BOY!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!Just what Grammy thought it would be. Just what I wanted, and 18 months apart what better Mischief makers than two little boys. You can say things like “let me tell you what those Davis always did this morning”. I hope they will be like Laura and I, those “Smith Girls”. Or “Your one of those Smith Girls, are ya the biggen or the littlen,” never new if they were talking age or weight.  I loved being one of those “Smith Girls” some people might not have liked their identity tied up with someone else’s so close, but I loved it. So now I’ll have me a pair of “DAVIS BOYS” and I can’t wait to see all the things they get into. Mr. Rodney James is already so curious, busy, and rambunctious, I can’t wait to add little brother to the mix. We will be having THOSE DAVIS BOYS stories everyday.  Love my G-babies. That spit fire Aubrey makes me laugh. My two California boys, who I miss terrible already but who I’m getting to FaceTime with, not the same as touching them, but you can see the happiness on their faces. They are with mama and daddy and are loving their big Adventure. RJ is my brown eyed boy, precious baby. He’s fixing to loose his spot as baby. This will make 4 boys, 1 girl for me. ( oh and if it had been a girl, it would have been just what Grammy wanted😃☺️😍😍) GRANDBABIES ARE JUST GRAND. Davis Boys has a ring to it.

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