Wednesday, November 9, 2016

How many Apples in a Seed

How many "Apples are in a Seed."
About 15-20 years ago I saw this on a church sign. I was stumped. A blonde movement ( or fake blonde moment ) I guess. I thought they've got that backwards. Apples aren't in seeds, seeds are in Apples. So I pondered and pondered. DUHHHH. Then God revealed it to my dense mind. You have to plant a seed, water it, fertilize it, prune it, spray it for infestations. And it grows and grows into a tree, then eventually you get Apples. But you have to keep the process up to get good Apples. So one day I might be the one to plant the seed of Jesus in someone's heart, or it could be your day to do that job. It might be my Job to water the seed, that means come by and reinforce the message through my actions and words and to show Jesus in my life. Or that might fall to you to do that. Fertilizer. Ok the person has let the seed of Jesus take root in there heart. You 100% can't just run off and hope it will grow. Fertilizer is the word of God. Teacher them where to go when they need to grow. That seed has to have Water and Fertilizer. Then as it grows in some ones heart and God starts pruning the bad stuff out of there lives we have to be there with our Bible open to help them understand. What the trials are really about. Then you spray for bugs. Oh me this can be hard. If we let Jesus shine in our lives and don't go with every thing everyone else is doing we can shine the light on infestations. That need to be removed, more pruning. Then the tree is in Bloom and it's beautiful. Those blooms turn in to Apples. Some Apples perfect and good some wither and die, some get rot. More pruning. All the while people are coming thru the persons life to water, fertilize, and help prune the bad out. Then that tree will grow beautiful Apples. Apples that have many many seeds in each one. Let's plant seeds, if the opportunity shows it's self, we should look for that opportunity all the time.  We should help water the seeds that are already planted. Then we should fertilize the seeds that are already planted. And we should always be ready to help when the trees need to be pruned. The pruning can be so hard for a new Christian. But as Christian's this is what Jesus commanded us to do. I will make you fishers of men. So I ask you this morning "How many Apples are there in a Seed".

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Standing on the solid rock

Our Sunday School lesson was about a Firm Foundation. This is a print of a painting that hangs over my TV. I look at it all the time. My Daddy and Mama bought it for me. It helps me remember where my foundation is and that is built on Jesus Christ. This morning I'm so glad I had that foundation last night. Now to some this may sound so silly, but to those of you who have a companion pet(dog, cat or what ever). Mine happens to be Bitz my Rat Terrier. She is 9 years old and last month had a really bad liver infection, which in part comes long term use of seizure medication. And was explained to me when we had to put her on it that it would be hard on her liver. So we did all the meds. And she has gotten so much better until last night.  Bitz who was crate trained and slept in her open crate for her first 5-6 years of her life now sleeps in the bed with someone. I know a dog in the bed but it's like, my dog, my house, my bed. Anna would sneak her in the bed with her for a long time. Then it just became the normal. Bitz even tells us when it's time to go to bed. She is so funny. Then on one of the girls trips Rodney (who use to declared he didn't like the dog in the house) got her and put her on the end of our bed so she wouldn't be by her self. I'm just  trying to paint y'all a picture of what this dog means to our house. So last night Anna was working so Bitz started the night on the bed with me and Grump. I thought she would jump down and go with Anna when she came in but last night she didn't. And I'm glad. Before we even fell asleep she snuck up between Grump and me, where she wasn't supposed to be. We all went to sleep. About 11:00pm I woke up with her trembling. On no seizure is coming. So I go and get her an extra seizure pill as I've been told to do and get it down her throat. And she just trembles and I pet her. So around 2am. She goes into full blown Grand Mal seizure and she seized and seized and seized. She would calm a little then seize again. 2 different times between the seizes she stopped breathing. I cried a lot last night. Yeah I know she's a "JUST" a dog, but she's my shadow, my companion, my sanity at times. She has the perfect personality for my family. She loves my grand babies and they love her so much. I prayed for God to give me peace and comfort if it was time for her to die. That peace that can only come from God when your foundation is built on the solid rock of Jesus came over me. I was able to say God your will be done. I will miss her but I can't stand to see her go thru this again. But God spared her this go around. She couldn't walk when I got her up to go potty this morning at 6am. But by the time we were back in the house she was walking and moving slowly. She's asleep in the chair with me now. I feel the comfort of her breathing, the warmth of her body against my leg, I feel her heart beating. I praise God for that solid rock he gave us to stand on every moment of the day. I couldn't make it with out God every day. God is good ever day. Every day with God is good. Think about where your foundation is and how it is that you get through those long hard dark nights. With God your never alone. Build a firm foundation, the storm is coming. Even if it's something you may think is as silly as loosening your dog. Thank you God for your peace and comfort.

Friday, September 30, 2016

My Faith is Stronger than my Fear

There is a saying that I think of often.  Make a plan so God has something to LAUGH at because it never works out how we plan. It's good to have a life plan but you have to be ready for that unexpected second when everything changes. I don't know how everyone else feels but I hate change. I like order and sameness in my life. Changes stress me. This is a fault of mine. I now have the faith that my life is in God's hands, and because I'm covered by the blood of Jesus Christ everything will always turn out for the good of God. And :It Is Well With My Soul" as the song says. So I will make my Faith stronger than my Fear.

We have had so many changes this year. And I'm prone to depression. I had a horrible time at the end of 2014, and the first 2015 with sever depression. I though when the doctor was having me come every week that I was going to have to go inpatient again. But YAY!!! I got better. Then I got to spend several day last year with just me and Bitz at Windcreek State Park. Rodney didn't want to leave me by myself because I don't drive. (and I like to think he would miss me) But during those days I had a come to Jesus experience. And it prepared me for all the CHANGES that God knew was coming our way over 2015-2016 year. It helped me make to my faith stronger than my fear. 

We are coming up on October 7, 2016 the anniversary of the most horrible time in my life  When I received the call that Rodney had fell 4 feet out of the back of he tractor trail truck's trailer. I didn't know for 3 days if  I was going to loose him forever. That started a horrible struggle for us. And I am so thankful for my 4 children who love the their daddy so much and all their help. Aunt Glenda for getting me a hotel room when there was none was to be found. Kerry Quin and Becca Allred for coming to me at Trinity/Grandview hospital to give, so I didn't have to leave the love of my life in this world. He is my every thing.For all the people who sent us a gift of money I know God provided that, thank you everyone who helped us by being Obedient to what God lead you to do. I held it together pretty good though everything untill he went back to work and that was like sending my baby off to kindergarten  for the first time.(very scary). But my fear never over come my faith, Thank you Lord. And Rodney has done great since he went back to work. And everyone he has come in contact with has said I never thought you would ever be back to work. Thank you God for this Blessing. Thank you for helping me let my Faith overcome my Fear.

Then in April (on my birthday week) Chelsea and I helped move Anna to Texas. I felt peace about this decision the whole time. I had a lot of people saying I can't believe your letting her move. My reply was she is 26 years old and can may her own life decisions, And she needed and adventure. ( and with all that video stuff and her flying back and fourth from Texas it nearly seemed she wasn't even gone). But I am so glad she is back home. I really missed her between trips and snapchats and videos calls.But God gave me "Sweet Peace" about her decision. And Fear never overcame my Faith.

So the next change was Chelsea and Shawn decided to get married. I was so glad to be getting my first Son-In-Law. So far it's great. While Anna was here we went and Chelsea bought her dress because we wanted Anna to be part of this wonderful time for Chelsea. Plus she is our fashion aficionado of our house, But because Anna was in Texas it gave me very precious and wonderful time with Chelsea as we planned and started getting everything together. I pray I get to have this same precious and wonderful time with Anna when she finds that man God has Perfectly for her. Oh, and we were so busy I never ever though about empty nest. I was just excited for her and Shawn. And they are so happy. This is truly a blessing. But that doesn't mean I don't pray for their marriage every night just like I do for Joshua and Justin's marriage. I was having the most horrible knee pain during this and the doctor put 3 of the Rooster Comb shots in my Right knee plus a lovely knee brace. It got me thru what I refer to Hell Week. And not because Chelsea was a Bridezilla. In fact she was totally the opposite. She wanted her wall and tulips and that is all she asked for and we made all that happen. So during this Change my Faith was stronger than my Fear. And I didn't have the sad feeling of Empty nest when both the girls were gone. But Anna's back yea!!!!!,( but I really don't know for how long, but when she goes again I will be at peace)

This year On September 8th, Rodney's daddy passed away. He was ready to go. And I had the privilege  to see the most peaceful death I have ever seen. And as an former ICU nurse I've been present at many of deaths. I had the privilege to have my hand laying on his chest when he took his last breath. He didn't struggle to breathe. I had everyone prepared for that, but I was just peaceful. It has been so hard on Mrs. Freeman, so keep her in your prayers. And Rodney to as he gets all the paper work and probate of the will done. I never dream, but I love God for sending me a dream of Mr. Freeman asking me "little girl" why are crying, I'm in a good place. I'm so comfortable now. Praise God for this message. It was so real, so vivid, and I finally had my good cry. So thank you God for helping me keep my Faith stronger than my Fear.

Now for me. So I've had this bum knee for about 2 years. To the point I can hardly walk in Wal Mart or any Shopping place. So in May I went to see the Doctor that did Rodney's clavicle repair. One reason my knees hurt is I fall a lot. (thank you Myasthenia Gravis) I had twisted my good knee in May and could no longer stand the pain. So I had x-rays when I to saw the Doctor. He put a wonderful steroid shot in both knees. And the x-rays showed I was bone on bone on the bad knee, but only on half of it. I can't imaging the pain if it was all the way across. I really feel for anyone who has bone one bone in any joint. The pain is un-describable.  My surgery will be at Grandview in Birmingham, not the Mental hospital in Gadsden.  I went for my pre-op appointment yesterday and the doctor is training a new Nurse Practitioner. When he pulled up my x-ray for the NP to look at he said I was perfect, just the perfect can for candidate for the partial knee replacement. I've never done any correctly let alone perfect. lol... But my arthritis is doing a bang up job.  I go next week on Tuesday for Total Knee Class and my PAT. I have looked up the conversion of by mouth Mestion to IM Mestion because I'm afraid the Anesthesiologist want know the crazy is that. Yeah I'm coo coo for coco puffs... lol... Surgery is October 17, 2016. I request prays that day I and I will be reminding everyone. .I will be having my rehab at home and I have lost 8 of the 10 pounds that was our target before the October 17th date. I am at peace over this surgery. I will let my Faith be stronger than my Fear. No Myastenic complications for me. 

Hebrew (KJV) 11 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. For by it the elders obtained a good report.  3 Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.

Romans 1017 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

PSALMS 56: What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee. In God I will praise his word, in God I have put my trust; I will not fear what flesh can do unto me.
Every day they wrest my words: all their thoughts are against me for evil. They gather themselves together, they hide themselves, they mark my steps, when they wait for my soul. Shall they escape by iniquity? in thine anger cast down the people, O God. Thou tellest my wanderings: put thou my tears into thy bottle: are they not in thy book? When I cry unto thee, then shall mine enemies turn back: this I know; for God is for me. 10 In God will I praise his word: in the Lord will I praise his word. 11 In God have I put my trust: I will not be afraid what man can do unto me. 12 Thy vows are upon me, O God: I will render praises unto thee. 13 For thou hast delivered my soul from death: wilt not thou deliver my feet from falling, that I may walk before God in the light of the living?

PHILIPANS 4: 4 Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice. Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand. Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.  Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you. 10 But I rejoiced in the Lord greatly, that now at the last your care of me hath flourished again; wherein ye were also careful, but ye lacked opportunity. 11 Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. 12 I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

Friday, September 23, 2016

To: Finn

To: Mama and Daddy From: Finn

Hey, mama and daddy. It's Finn!  I'm so excited!!!! to finally get to see y'all for the first time. I have know y'all for 9 months. I had been safe and warm in mama's tummy. Just hanging out. Learning about who my mama and daddy are. I know how much you love me. I could feel your hands on mama's tummy when I kicked and rolled around. I could hear your voices as you laughed, read to me, talked with friends, watched TV and hollered at the TV at Walking Dead, NO NO NO. One day you will have to explain that one to me. I was with you at Church where I was already learning about Jesus. I loved the music, it made me happy. I am used to a lot of noise. Just think of all the things I've been involved in during the last 9 moths. Noise is a comfort. Daddy I loved when you read me stories, and mama when you would read to me and daddy, that was fun. I've been growing and getting so much stronger every day. And on Tuesday Sept 20, 2016 God decided it was time for me to come into your world. It was bright and loud. I'm used to loud. But it's all that bright light I really don't care for.  And this breathing thing I'm not so sure about.  I liked being in mama's tummy so much better, it was easier for me, if not for mama. I felt was much safer. It was cuddly and warm. But this milk thing is a good deal. And now daddy can cuddle me, I like that very much. Oh and when I cry they pick me up. Cool. Very Cool. I will have to remember this. Now mama and daddy I will apologize in advance. Because I've been in the dark so I've got to figure out this night and day thing. And the milk is great but my tummy isn't use to it yet. So sometimes it may make my tummy hurt a little. Just remember this is normal and my tummy will get used to it. But I may just have to cry, it's nothing you did, it's just part of a newborns life and the adjustments I have to make in my new world. I love the milk and sometime will want more than I need, and this will also make  my tummy hurt. MYLICON GAS DROPS, YUMMMMMMY. They will be our best friend. I know the next 6 to 8 weeks I will be trying to  but, remember I love you. And I know how much you love me. I promise one day I will sleep all night and I will try to do it before I start High School. These first weeks will be hard on y'all but remember I'm used to your noise, it makes me feel safe. Hold me as much as you can it makes feel safe. The safer I feel now the more self confidence I will have as I get older. I know your voices, they make me feel comforted and safe. Remember when we've been up all night that this will pass. I promise I will settle down and get in a routine, one which I will make. Sorry if you think you will have the control. But you will be so tired that I will have the control at that time. But I promise you will get the control of our lives back. Just wanted to say before all the crazyness starts that I love y'all so much. I love your touch and your voices and the milk stuff is the bomb. And remember sometimes I will just have to cry because that's just what tiny babies do. I'm making my lungs really strong. Ear plugs are a nice thing for you when I have one of these times. But just wait. Before you know it I'll smile at you when you talk to me. And then I will try to talk back. Then everything will be funny and I will giggle over every thing. You will do anything to make me giggle because you will love the sound so much.  I will not particularly care for tummy time to begin with, but will lean to love it. Hold on, this first year were going to do a lot of learning and growing and I promise I will make you laugh more than cry. That's after the first 6-8 weeks, no more that 3 months, maybe. lol... I'm not making a promise. It's going to be fun. Getting to go to Church, I've already been going for 9 months and I will cry some but I will be learning every second. So don't let any one tell you your spoiling me by holding me all the time. Your not. By 6 months I'll be scooting around investigating every thing around. By a this time next year I will be walking and running and playing so hard I want have time to sit for very long before. I will be up and down in your lap but I will need to get down more to run and play. Hold me close, hold me tight, kiss me, love me, enjoy me right now even in your exhaustion. Sleep when I sleep. We will all sleep better next year, that's nearly a promise.  I will grow up way too fast. I am so glad God gave me both of you to be my mama and daddy, I am already blessed beyond measure.
Love you new son,
Finn Morgan Bryant

Thursday, August 18, 2016


5:00 am I came suddenly completely awake. And reached my hand to touch Rodney's shoulder, it wasn't there. I missed him, I like knowing he's there and that I can just touch him, and it just strengthens me, comforts me. The room was very still and dark except for the softly playing radio in the background. I reached and hit the button to change it to my station. The song playing was telling me it was 5:00 somewhere, just as it turned over to the Rick & Bubba kick off hour. As I laid there the prayer I said just before falling asleep came to my mind. "Lord please let me sleep all night tonight." I immediately said "Thank you Lord Thank you for the rest of my body".  So I get up and  hobble to the bathroom (both of my knees are killing me). I am just going back to bed. Then I think I better get Bitz up so she doesn't wake me back up in 30 min. When I open the door to let her out, the humidity hits me in the face like a wall. Oh, how I hate the month of August, I think. Then God says, " This is a day I have made you need to rejoice in it." Then the sweetest breeze started blowing, not that hot humid breeze, it has just a tiny bit of cool refreshment in it. The crickets were chirping and I could hear Sally the horse taking to me. Thank you Lord for the reminder. THANK YOU FOR GIVING ME THIS DAY. Bitz and I went in and did her usual routine. I fixed me a glass of chocolate milk, wishing Anna's hands were making it, she makes the best chocolate milk in the whole world (absolutely no exaggeration). Then I throw Bitz up on the bed (yes I said the bed) she curls up in Rodney's I think....he will love that. Then as I lay back down, I think I was sleeping so deep this morning I don't remember my kiss. Some mornings I don't, but most morning I do. He always kisses me goodbye as he leaves for work. It one of those soft sweet kisses. And since c-pap has come into our lives it's usually on my cheek or forehead. It's my I love you from him. I don't get the words. He just has trouble saying them, he says people use that word to easily and out of habit. That's just his opinion. But in my house it's the one that counts. I have no doubt of his love for me. It's tangible. I can feel it in just about every thing he does. 35+ years so when he does says it its precious.  This is the kind marriage that I pray that my children have. Not to have no I love yous,  but the tangible love that you feel no matter what is going in in your lives.  With Chelsea's wedding 4 days away I pray that she and Shawn have this kind of marriage. I pray that they realize the the vows they are taking aren't just to each other but they are vowing to GOD till death do us part. I will love you. That doesn't mean I always have to like you, but I have to find away to work through that dislike, because I promised God and you I'd always love you. The wedding will be beautiful. My Chelsea will be beautiful. But none of this means anything if the Marriage isn't the most important thing they are concentrating on. My hope for you is that your first move every morning is to reach out your hand to touch your spouse for the strength and comfort, that together with God you can conquer any problem that comes y'alls way.

Mother of the Bride List

Mother of the Bride List.
(have plenty of comfort food on hand for the stress, because it looks like someone thew a wedding up in my house)
!. Get a Bride (took us long enough)
(Go To Hobby Lobby, spend money)
2. Get that Bride to set a date(this really helps with planning)
3. Buy Wedding Dress( look for sale, half price, clearance, used, so that you might be able to afford the Dress)
(Go To Hobby Lobby, spend money)
4. Get someone close to your home to do the alterations(not at the other end of the world and who is going to end up in the hospital)
5. Have your Hair colored so you don't look as horrible in the pictures.( which I hate absolutely hate to have my picture taken)
6. Don't set the date in the dead of summer in Alabama( heads up humidly humidly humidly, your hair ain't going to to right)
(Go To Hobby Lobby, spend money)
7. Decided where your having the wedding. ( Our Beautiful little Church was chosen, yea!!!!!!! )
8. Pick invitations.
9. Get a perm, those stupid pictures are looming in your future.
10. Make guest list.
(Go to Hobby Lobby, spend money)
11. Start the planning, gathering, crafting, borrowing, (thanks all my friends who have helped with this, because I don't have a clue)
12. Ask Kerry Quinn to help with the Reception. (this is the most important move you could make)
13. Pick colors ( I love the colors Chelsea has picked)
14. Clothes (make sure everything fits, this can be a major headache, and I MEAN MAJOR HEADACHE)
(Go to Hobby Lobby sped money)
15. Nail Polish this is a must
16. Mail invitations
17. Diet for pictures (ah too late, just pray I can wear that dress I bought a month ago)
18. Photographer (this can be very difficult with only 10 weeks notice thank you Angela Montgomery and Heather Reeder. And Amber Griffith Sewell we will miss you.)
(Go to Hobby Lobby, spend money)
19. Flowers. OH MY!!!!!! 200 stems, yea!!!!! that's not a typo 200 stems will arrive at my home Thursday.)
20. Cox Comb Shots in your knee so you can walk that last week
21. Pray know one dies the week of the wedding that will need the
partially decorated Church and Fellowship Hall.
22. Order the boutonnieres and corsages that you wTere going to make your self.
23. Construct The Great Wall of Chelsea. ( you will just have to see it)
(Go to Hobby Lobby spend money)
24. Prepare for the Rehearsal and Rehearsal Dinner.
25. Have a wedding director( important to have someone to boss everyone into their places)
26. Have a  person set that will keep Joshua A. Freeman and Tristan Argo apart during the Rehearsal. So we can finish it in an hour so we can go eat. (boys do you hear me, you can't have any be mean to mama jokes till we eat)
27.Be sure to Thank everyone who has helped you in any way getting this together. And who is helping the day of the wedding. And my list is so long. I know I will forget someone If I start naming names. My Church Family has been Awesome to us. I feel overwhelmed with the love that has been shown. The help that's been given and offered, y'all make me feel so unworthy. But I know it's for Chelsea and I so Thank y'all for loving my baby so much. There are many who have helped that are my community family, I thank you so for you help and kindness you have shown Chelsea and I.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Glass half full or half empty!!!!!!!!!!!

“Some people grumble that roses have thorns; I am grateful that thorns have roses.”
― Alphonse Karr, A Tour Round My Garden
Sitting on thistles doesn't do them any Good. Takes all the Life out of them.
Eeyore quotes
Whether a glass is half full or half empty depends on the attitude of the person looking at it.( unknown author)
That pesky glass is it half full or half empty.(ME)
It's been a long tiring week. ( really a whole 2 months but I want hit but this week, you're welcome) I Started feeling sick Saturday. Allergies of course😬couldn't hardly get out of my chair all day Saturday just too weak and worn. Sunday to Church, it greatly blessed my soul to be there. Brother Jerry taught our lesson great job for listening to God👍. Vacation's and decoration caused us to be few in number but with spiders and lizards everywhere in the Church we had a full house and were fully blessed preaching service. ( no real spiders or lizards, inside joke you had to be there, but I got you wondering what's going on at Pleasant Valley, right, right Brother David 😉) then home to my I hit my chair till time for Sunday night bible study breathing better but knees still killing me and having trouble keeping my eyes open.( what's new) Exodus like you never thought of it before, if you're interested we will be back Sunday night with more deep discussion maybe even slightly unusual, but a great discussion to make you think and ponder as a bible study should., you will have to attend to decide that for yourself. Starts at 6:00pm. Thanks Shane we Love our agitator. Then up early (ugghh) on Monday morning to take care of family stuff with my sweetie. Very stressful. About died in my chair when I got home. Thanks God for nebulizers and steroids. Someone turned the hot water on in the back of my throat😤😢😠 didn't sleep hardly any Monday night. Coughing and wheezing when I got up. Well that worked out good because I had to go see the pulmonary doctor at 9:30. Another early morning appointment. SATs down wheezing and very tight chest at Doctor office. She has me Doing a steroid burst. 40 mg x 4 days ( yuck) 20mg x 4 days, 10 mg x 4 days, 5mg x 4 days, then back on my 5 every other day. And stupid recheck July 5, and if I'm not better we're checking my IGe, yeah yeah another one of those immune markers, we're seeing if its elevated. If so will completely change the way we treat my asthma😕😕😕😡 I don't need more medication changes. Dealing with Blue Cross right now about new heart Med. Have to apply for an indigent drug program and that's some paper work. Yea!!!!!!!!! 👎👎😬😬😬😱Oh but I did have a very fun part of the day. I got to help Shawn pull a good one on an unsuspecting Chelsea at her work ( engagement ring anyone, pat mama on the back😘😉😉😉😉😉) way to go Shawn congrats Shawn and Chelsea, August 6 will be here before we blink. Oh and did I say my knees are killing me. Well they are. Right one has been for a couple of years ( horrible 😓😓😩😫😪😭) The left one is new from my last stumbling fall(yea!!!!!!!!! ME!!!!!) back home To the chair I go slept till Rodney got home. But I cooked him supper ( another yea!!! Me.) But the Crock pot died 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢.  Wednesday I was up early because I was excited over Chelsea's surprise. Then Chelsea and I go to Jacksonville for wedding dress fitting left at 10:30 ( could have slept in but was too excited) Oh my beautiful, beautiful sparkling girl 💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷❤️❤️❤️❤️🎉🎉🎉😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😘😘😘😘😩. I can't wait for everyone to see her. She was Just Beautiful. Then to hobby lobby, bathroom break and buying satin. Met and pick up Amy and Aubrey. They had to drop off CRV. This was bad remember the 40 mg of steriods. DQ sitting right there, this dieting woman at a large hot fudge Oreo Blizzard ( yummmmmmy) then back home to my chair.( I want mention the knees) Shawn at the house we we got back so sleepy he can't keep his eyes opened. He worked Late night the night before and up super early in the morning for him and all night for Chelsea. Talked them out of painting. Told them they needed a day of rest. It was really just selfishness on my part, I wanted to enjoy their happiness. And they let me. Hardly any words spoken at times. Then in burst wedding wedding wedding, then snoozing. Just peace, wheezing and knees that were killing me but I wash in my chair. Selfish on my part to want them there but one reason was because I my friend Carol was on my heart who just lost her 31 year old son to a car accident. I Kept thinking of a school trip we chaperoned together when in boys were in Elementary School, I think went on several but this one is what kept coming to my mind. Jeremy and my Justin went to the Chattanooga Aquarium it was a fun trip. Carol Smith Fleck time just passes too fast. Love you Carol Smith Fleck and praying Gods perfect peace for your heart. I ask all my friends to remember her in your prayers When something this tragic happens, we have no words to give comfort. We either say stupid stuff or pull away, but we can stand with them, we can give our hearts in prayer for our loved ones, we can just say I love you, and I'm hear if you when you need me. So here we are another day Thursday the 9th. Chelsea, Amy, Aubrey, Mama and me off to get my Eyes checked at 9:00 in Hoover. Myasthenia Gravis never makes this an easy task. 2 hours and nearly 1200.00 later after insurance paid its part I'm to be the proud owner on 2 pair off glasses. The 2nd pair was 1\2 price and very very dark sunglasses for IG treatment when the light is not my head's friend. Just barley had time for lunch and then to see Dr. Marshall orthopedic surgeon in Trussville. (He did Rodney's clavicle surgery in October) we fell in doctor love with him. X-ays of both knees 😊😊😊😊😊 Shots in both knees ( Hallelujah, Praise God) Left knee probably has a torn meniscus. Going to try some rehab and celebrex. Go back in 6 weeks if pain is no better then MRI of Left knee, he twisted my ankle and I about can off thee table. Torn meniscus he said. Might have to scope it. Now the not so good news. Right knee doesn't need a MRI the x-ray showed clearly the main problem. I'm bone on bone for the inside half of my knee. We will try to strengthening muscles around it, celebrex for pain, ice for pain and swelling and when I can't stand the pain any longer. That might be 6 weeks, 6 month, a year, 2 years, so forth and so on it will just depend on my tuffness. Oh and I can have shots along till they don't work any more. He Can do a half knee replacement right now, but the longer I go that becomes less of an option. So I have some things to ponder. And he even said he would not promise If we did the half replacement that I want eventually have to have a total. Like I said lots to ponder. Back toward home. Oh we hit hobby lobby again, and yeah nature called hard again for a bathroom and there was 50% off flowers. I hope everyone saw Chelsea with her arm full of flowers, colors beautiful. Justin's got to come thru with her pallets. Penneys and Walmart. Back home to chair and try to get Anna some cheap seat on SouthWestern. So Booking plane tickets for Anna for Neurological appointment at the end of August. Anna's going to be doing a good bit of flying over the next couple of months, with bridal showers and weddings. We need prays. Were going to miss her with the decorating. But life goes one. Changes everywhere you look around my house. Good stuff, but bittersweet to this mama. But on the up side this'd could mean new grandbabies and I'm always up to snuggle with me a new baby. (Woooooohoooooo) So I think my glass maybe half full, or not. It just depends on what second you catch me in as the next few days and weeks as they fly by. Prayers please for the Freeman Family/and the Davis Family over the next 9 weeks.( summer and count down to wedding and Anna moving to permanent house) Love you all.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Peace in the Valley

Peace in the Valley
This morning at 6:30 Bitz let me know she needed to go outside. I wasn't really on the same page as she was. I said can't you wait a little longer. Like hitting the Bitz snooze button. But God didn't give dogs a snooze button. So, after pulling the covers over my face, thinking if she couldn't see me, she could that didn't work. So, I rolled out of bed and I mean “ROLLED” (as only a really fat woman can do). Every muscle and joint in my body hurt. But that's what I get for being 55 years old, no more or no less than anyone else. I opened both doors Bitz runs out and starts sniffing everything in the world. She faked me out. So here I stand on the concrete, in my PJ's, and barefooted. Thank the good Lord no one drove by; my hair was sticking up every which way because of my c-pap headgear. I guess I looked like a crazy person. I really just wanted to stay in bed, but I don’t think that was God’s plan for me this morning. It was one of those wonderful cool mornings. There was a soft breeze blowing, the kind of breeze that doesn't blow your hair, but you can feel softly on your face. I looked up and the sky is gorgeous all bright blue with big fluffy clouds floating by, and the mountains are in their full spring green, they are beautiful. Then the Birds started to sing, all different kinds of birds I couldn't see them to know what kinds, but the sounds were just all different. Even a Woodpecker join in with a ratta tat tat. It was beautiful, it was a strong soothing sound. Then the Doves started cooing, one of my favorite nature sounds. The Cows were mooing, Possum (the donkey) started braying his good morning bray. I could hear dogs barking in the distance. Oh, it was so beautiful words can’t even come close to describing what I was hearing. What a blessing God gave me. And I felt this great need to share it with you. The Song "Peace in the Valley " came to my mind and I was singing There will be Peace in the Valley for me some day Oh Lord. It seemed the Birds, Woodpecker, Doves, Cows, Donkey and Dogs were singing it too. So, I had to find the song and I shared the Johnny Cash version. It made me think of Valleys. We have physical valleys like the one I was standing in this morning. Low land with surrounded by mountains. But we also have Spiritual Valleys. We get so low in the Valley and the Mountain looks so impossible to climb. But if you make Peace in your heart while you’re in the Valley. God will help you defeat anything and give you Peace in your heart while you’re going thru the trouble or trial that has put you in that valley. I really wanted to share with you this morning the Peace God can give you, if you get on your knee and talk with Jesus about it, he will help you get thru anything. but you have to be a true believer who has given their heart to Jesus. You have to be saved, to receive this Peace when you’re in your Valley. I PRAISE GOD THIS MORNING FOR SENDING HIS SON TO DIE FOR MY SINS. I PRAISE JESUS FOR LIVING IN MY HEART. PRAISE THE LORD PRAISE THE LORD FOR GIVING ME PEACE IN THE VALLEY. Both physically and spiritually. I need to tell you the story of Texas. But it’s not time yet. But I do have PEACE form Jesus about Anna’s move. My prayer this morning is that whatever trial you’re going thru today, that you get that” PEACE THAT PASSETH ALL UNDERSTANDING”.
Philippians 4:7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Isaiah 52:7 How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!”How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!s

Thursday, January 21, 2016

The one legged man feeds the cows!

Let me tell you when you have animals they have to be taken care of no matter what else is going on in your life(that's a rule I think). Especially when you have a bunch of cows, A heard, of who knows how many, they expect to be fed hay every day rain or shine. It's just a fact of life. Well yesterday, was really busy. Rodney had 2 appointments and I had one. And neither one of us can drive. So Anna took us to the first one and then went to start her new job. Mama carried us to the last two. And as everyone knows we have 4 children and we did this on purpose for the free labor. (I have heard slave labor mumbled under certain peoples breaths, yeah I heard you) So since Rodney's accident the kids (OK not all the kids, Joshua when not at work, Chelsea who will only open gates and cut strings and doesn't want to drive Anna's tractor, Anna who the brunt of the feeding has feel on and Justin who hasn't feed a cow in 10 years because being out of State all the time "working" if you call dancing on a pole work) So back to yesterday. We had gotten home. I had sat down to catch my breath, which usually means I'll see you tomorrow and Rodney says. " I need you and me to do something together, it will take both of us, when you catch your breath". I look at him the man with one good arm and one good leg( NO WEIGHT BARRING ON THE RIGHT LEG OR LEFT ARM/SHOULDER) and me with the gimp right knee. and the body that I can never really count on to do what I want it to do. So have I painted a picture for you yet, of two gimpy nearly old people. ( well one AWESOME old man and one just old woman) He says, " We have to feed the cows before dark". Yeah dark is at 4 pm since they changed the stupid time, (but that's another rant) So I say OK might as well go get it done. He lays out the plan. I have on shorts and a tee shirt and find a right and left shoe( YEA!!!!!!!!! much better than the last time I helped feed the cows when I had to wear 2 left shoes) and I grab his hoody jacket. He gets the step ladder. I go open the gate and bring the tractor to the concrete pad. So far so good.The tractor is out of fuel, so we have to fuel it up(thanks kids) I get off the tractor and AWESOME one armed, one legged man gets on the tractor. Wooooooohooooo. I get on the back of the tractor standing on the hay roller,(wondering what will happen when I fall off, will it kill me or will I just be more crippled for life, oh well those cows are hollering) so I don't have to walk to the next set of gates. I open those gates and about let the cows out. But then they decide to follow the tractor. That could have been bad. Now I'm back on the back of the tractor. Next stop the the barn. with mud/cow stuff ankle deep to get to the next gate, so off the tractor I get. So I get the gate open and I don't fall in the mud/cow stuff. Yea!!!! me, but I let the big black bull and the stupid white face cow in the barn and their just munching on all the hay they want. Rodney is getting 2 bales of hay, I go in the barn to shooooo the bull and cow out and close that gate. And they chose to follow the tractor. Which was great because they weren't listen to me. Then I get to cut the strings off the hay, and Rodney takes it way up in the pasture to put it out while I sand in the mud/cow stuff and wait on my ride. He comes back picks me up we go back thru the gates and I get them all closed, (probably not right but closed). We get back in the yard, AWESOME Rodney gets off the tractor with out putting any weight on his right leg or left arm (yeah right) I wash the mud/cow stuff off my legs and go in the house to get a bath. The cows have been feed.Yea!!!!!! us. 40 minutes later Chelsea is up to go to work, 50 minutes later Anna home from meeting her new baby, and I guess 2 hours later Joshua arrived home from work. And Justin is still in Virginia. So the slave labor, timed this one just right. This just goes to show you that you can do what you need to do no matter what. It may take a little longer. Rodney and I didn't fuss or gripe or get mad at each other. I held my breath a couple of times when he was getting on and off the tractor. So even when things seem undo able, if you go slow and steady and work together you can accomplish all most anything.  And If you will remember God is always with you, so what can really go wrong. Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. Thank you Lord for keep us safe yesterday when we feed our cows.