Friday, February 8, 2019

Missing Judy So Much

I haven’t posted a big post lately I’ve really been to sad to be able to put my feelings in words. But as I went for the millionth time to send Judy a message this morning and remembered she wasn’t on the other end of my phone, I thought I’d share. Some things have been happening with me that I will consider good till it’s not... lol... I’m going to start getting IG every 3 weeks it will start with the first of December treatment. It will be IVIG every 3 weeks over 3 days. I will receive the same amount over a years time just closer together and less at a time. We’re hoping this will help my strength and that the one dose less a week will cut down some on my side effects. We will see. I’m very hopeful. It should really start November 26th but Rodney and I already had a week at the beach planned. And it’s not easy just to change because we keep that sweet baby RJ every other weekend. Starting on Thursday. We’re supposed to have him Sunday the 25th I’m hoping we can work something out so we can leave that day the guy is giving us 2 days free. So if we can’t leave that day we will just loose a free day. So no biggy. I guess lol. Next on my list to talk over with Judy is I have been Diagnosed with Sjorgren Syndrome yes another autoimmune disease. It’s early symptoms are extremely dry mouth and eye. I’ve had these for years. Blamed it on medication. I will wake up some mornings with my tongue stuck to the Roof of my mouth. And it hurts to pull it off the And no it’s doesn’t affect my ability to talk.. lol.. as I know some people wish. Here are some of the symptoms. I actually have a lot of them, one site even says wheezing so now I wonder if my asthma isn’t Asthma but Sjorgren. I see the pulmonologist in a few weeks we will talk about it then. I have a Persistent
dry cough, drive me and pulmonologist crazy.
The two main symptoms of Sjogren's syndrome that you see first are:
Dry eyes. Your eyes might burn, itch or feel gritty — as if there's sand in them. (Check)
Dry mouth. Your mouth might feel like it's full of cotton, making it difficult to swallow or speak. (Check)
Some people with Sjogren's syndrome also have one or more of the following:
Joint pain, swelling and stiffness (Check)
Swollen salivary glands — particularly the set located behind your jaw and in front of your ears (Check) I’ve had 2 MRIs to Check for nodules in my saliva glands, one was with contrast that was really interesting. (Check)
Skin rashes or dry skin (Check on Dry shin)
Vaginal dryness TMI)
Persistent dry cough and wheezing ( Double Check)
Prolonged fatigue (Triple Check)
In Sjogren's syndrome, your immune system first targets the glands that make tears and saliva. But it can also damage other parts of your body, such as:Joints
I see the a Rheumatologist December 10th. This gives me the official Trifecta of Autoimmune Diseases. Because where there is 1 there will be at least 3. I’m officially at can’t even do the Trifecta correct. Myasthenia Gravis, Fibromyalgia, Hashimoto’s disease, Sjogren’s disease. But in my defense the Hashimoto’s disease is gone because They took my thyroid out. Hashimoto’s goes with the Thyroid Disease, so I don’t count that I have that one anymore. So Trifecta it is. See where I needed to rant to Judy. She would have helped me get a plan. She and Kerry always do that. I think I about drove Kerry Quinn crazy with my worries yesterday try to figure out about my vacation, sorry Kerry( love you). She got what Judy Bowlin always got from me. And when I was talking with Judy I would think Heck what am I complaining about, my stuff was nothing compared to Judy’s. The pain Judy lived in all the time and hardly every complained about, she had stage 4 cancer and sure she would get mad and sad but we could always make each other laugh over the silliest things. So sorry to dump on y’all this morning. I’ll try not to do this again. I was just Missing Judy especially this morning. She was Awesome and I’m so glad she was my friend. She isn’t in pain any more. Her fight is over, she ran a good race, she will be at home with Jesus. And how could anyone wish her back to this horrible world and to the pain she was living in. Not me that’s for sure. Friends like Judy are few and far between. If you have one hang on to them until God decides take one of you home. Then Praise God you got to experience one of life’s true blessings.

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