Friday, February 8, 2019

Stomach Problems Just want go away

Well it’s back. I received my test results yesterday and everything they checked was normal. Except my Sed. Rate was extremely high(this happens all the time I’m not concerned). So since this has been going on so long I’m having an Abdominal CT Scan Thursday afternoon. I think this will show nothing. I see a colonoscopy in my future. With a diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome. Yay me. The diarrhea was gone yesterday. I was a little excited. That I was going to be better. But it’s back with a vengeance this morning. I will have it for 2 days and then not have it for 4 then I will have it for 4 days and not have it for a week then I will have it for a week and not have it for 2 days and then I’ll have it for a day and not have it for a week and I’ll have it for 3 days and not have it for 2 just a horrible cycle that has no rhyme or reason. I cannot track it to figure out a trigger. I have tried leaving off dairy that didn’t help I have tried leaving off wheat that didn’t help. I have tried different, things nothing has helped. It will show up it will go away. At first I thought I kept giving my self the same virus, but we have sprayed so much Lysol and used do much white vinegar and Clorox it’s in real, do if a virus was living here I think it’s dead now. I keep new tooth brushes that I change all the time. I was my Yeti cups in the dish washer(big no no). It will still do the same thing no rhyme or reason that I can see. So I’m asking for your prayers. I am wanting to be there when RJ gets here. My baby is having a baby. I need to be there. Well I don’t NEED to be there, she can have him with out me, he’s gonna come when he decides to come. He doesn’t really care who’s there except his she has to be. But I want to be there with all my heart to be there. Thanks everyone for your prayers seems like a ask all the time. But I know the power of prayer. I also pray that I quickly learn what lesson God has for me in this, I truly believe every situation we find our self in God is teaching us an important lesson on how to live our life, how to hold his hand, how to make our faith, stronger, how to love our neighbors, how to Praise his name, to know how he protects us from the fire by throwing us in the river, thanks to whoever posted that one. I could go on and on with the lessons he can teach us in every trial. If your in a trial today, and we all are in some kind of trial every day. Take a moment to ponder what God might want you to learn from this trial. Love you Lisa
2 Corinthians 12:9-11 NIV
9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 10 That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

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