Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Pajama Day

Pajama Day

Pajama Day, I’ve called this a lot in my life. On rainy days like today, when you have no plans but to stay home Pajama Day sounds pretty good.  When your just home and the day is a nice lazy day, The Grandchildren have Pajama day at Grammys nearly every time they spend the night with me. They play the day away and they watch a movie with Grammy all comfy and cozy in their PJs. The G-Babies like Pajama Day and so does Grammy.  We all have the right to be comfy in our homes. First thing you do when you come home (or at least a women does) from work or a day out, is kick of those shoes, and then you put on something comfy (and a lot of us loose that upper piece of horrendous under clothes that has dug in and made us miserable all day, you know it’s true). And men I know Rodney Freeman called Naked house when Anna moved to Texas for that little while and had to resend it when she came back home. So, I know y’all like PJ day as much as us ladies and would go further if not for the kids, or family that might just drop in to visit.  Rodney and I got back for a wonderful week at the beach on December 1st. I had been fighting depression. But that’s nothing new, I fight depression on a daily basis. It’s just who I am. How God made me. Though this time the depression has just about won. But I’m holding so the depression doesn’t win, while trying to hide my crazy. On December 9th, I ended up with Flu type B and he had a Staph infection with his Eczema on his right leg, it was shorts for him, and PJ’s for me. I ran over 103 nearly a 104 temperature for 4 days. PJ’s was all I could handle. And a really great thing happened Maurice’s had a bunce a huge sales and I bought some really inexpensive flannel PJ’s( You it’s nice that a HIP store the girls shop in also has SUPER EXTRA  EXTRA HUGE SIZES) So my Depressed self-bought all the designs they had and one sleep shirt I bout 2 of because the second one of $5.00. So on December 9th 2018 when I was diagnosed with Flu Type B(and I keep stressing the Type because it’s important to the story)  and was given Tamiflu (that can cause you to be CRAZY, not good if you already are) strong antibiotics, steroids, shots, and the prescriptions of antibiotics and steroids to take at home. I have a crappy immune system and we were trying to avoid pneumonia. I finally stopped having fever I could after over a week and got to have my children and G-Babies back in my home (Rodney and I didn’t die of Lysol poisoning (which as much as we spray is always a concern, lol). So, I lived in my lovely flannel Pajama’s all that time. They are great. The tops are called sleep shirts and come to my knees so I can wear them with leggings or short pants if it’s hot (over 64 degrees) And the bottoms are so soft I have these long ¾ length tops that are really thins and loose that I can wear with them and am comfy. Or if I’m cold (yeah me cold) I can wear them together which gets me to Saturday December 29th, 2019. I felt horrible all Christmas week, but I was getting over the FLU TYPE B, and I had no fever, so I thought Myasthenia, Flu recovery, and the Biggy Depression. But I was wrong, I woke up the morning of December 29th with a low-grade fever which I run a lot (messed up immune system). We had planned to go see what all the G-Babies, and what they had gotten for Christmas. We were going to start with the farthest, Logan and Carter, and work our way back home. Rodney called, and Justin was having to take their RV for some regular maintenance, and he said Leslie was chugged up but didn’t think it was anything catchy. We decided not to go but to go to the doc-in-a-box. Rodney asked me if I just need to go on to the Hospital. I said, “no they will keep me”. That is why we went to the doc-in-a-box.  We really like the one we use, and they are very thorough with their work up. Blood work, nasal swab, throat swab (I hate this one I gag every time) sinus x-rays, chest x-rays (the whole 9 yards.). Well, well, well, the doctor came in and sat down and said, you have the FLU. I said I can’t have the flu. I just had it. He said this is FLU TYPE A (I told you there was a reason I kept stress that stupid type B) and you also have left lower lobe pneumonia. I said but I can’t have that I’m supposed to keep the grandbaby next weekend, he just laughed and said they will have to make other arrangements, because you must be fever free 24 hours before you aren’t contagious and gave a very STRONG ANTIBOTIC and STERIODS.  I ran fever for about 14 days. I was so sick, felt so bad, and I was cold (cold big shocker to anyone who knows me) so Pajama’s it was. Our 38th Wedding Anniversary was December 31st. I stayed in Pajama’s I didn’t feel like lifting my head. It was the first time in a loooooooong time that we didn’t do a Rodney and Lisa Special Date Day. That’s our day and we don’t usually share it. Then on the next day food and games at my sister’s house on New Year’s Day, Fever 102 couldn’t go, but I insisted Rodney go fix me a plate…lol… I love that Man; One of the Greatest Blessing God has given me, is Rodney S. Freeman.  Then IVIG every 3 weeks, trying to get my strength back. So now I am living in my Pajamas, but I do put a clean pair every day. One reason I think I couldn’t get my strength back, I was the falling deeper in the dark hole of DEPRESSION. I wasn’t getting to go to Church. I hadn’t gotten to go since November. I missed my Church, I missed my Church Family. Rodney recorded Christmas stuff for me and Amanda and Shane or Karen posted a video of all the little ones on the Sunday before Christmas as they did a Nativity Scene. I was beautiful. And I was so thankful for my Church family for all the prayers and the thoughtful and encouraging things they said to me on Facebook. All the while I’m still in my Pajama’s every day. So here comes January I’m sick with the Flu through the first half and then we have a million doctors’ appointments the 2nd half. Oh, and it’s time for IG again. And all I can think about is getting home and getting in those Pajamas. Pajamas have taken over my thought process. I don’t think I can live if I’m not in Flannel PJs (not hiding my crazy very well right now). One of my January appointments was with the psychiatrist, I’ve been going since January 2006. Told y’all I was Crazy. I told her how bad the Depression is right now. I’m just not coping at all. Rodney went in with me and echoed everything I said. (you know he should be put up for saint hood for dealing with me for 38 years). So, we decided to add a low low low dose of an extra medication to see if it would help lift me of the depression. OH, MY GOODNESS, I went crazy MANIC. I bought some of the best stuff ever. I even put on those horrible upper under clothes and got dressed, though all my clothes resemble PJ” s (can’t help myself). On Thursday January 31st I crashed. I mean crashed and burned. Three of my children were here that day I was supposed to keep RJ. OH, MY I couldn’t keep my eyes open, it was horrible. I think I scared them. So, the next day when Kerry arrived Joshua was not far behind nor the other 2 to tell on me. But I beat them to the punch, lol. I told on myself.  We didn’t know if some of my IG pre-meds had reacted with the new medication or what, that had caused the sleeping. But everyone had noticed the MANIC but me. My myasthenic body just couldn’t take that much activity and crashed. I had been buying stuff like crazy and had a lot of stuff to send back. Doing a lot of stuff my body doesn’t usually do.  Kerry made me call to get an appointment that day with the psychist. Joshua took me, Rodney met us, so he could also tell her how I had been. CRAZY (yoga ring remember). I am still struggling with the buying everything I see. They say it the Dopamine that’s released, I don’t know, but I do know it has to stop. I went back Friday February 8th to see Mrs. Ramona. We talked for a very long time, I’m sure the rest of her patients wished I would have just hushed. My blood pressure was 179/105. She said that every morning she Prayed, Lord pleased help me make the right decision that will help the people I see today. And after we talked, she said I’m not getting anything on what we need to do today. I don’t want you this depressed, I think your brain needs a rest from the new medication that we tried before we do anything else. Your blood pressure is high that needs to be addressed before any new medication. She said I just don’t know what to do with you. I said then that’s your answer from God “nothing today”.  So, she and I agreed I would have my blood pressure seen about and then when I go back in April if I’m still this depressed, we will try a different medication. I’m good with this decision. Pajama’s till April, who could ask for anything more. And I ask that y’all pray for me and her as we try to get my brain chemicals on an even keel. It may take a bit, but at least I will have my Pajama’s to comfort me. Pajama Day for Everyone, I call IT…lol… Now you know why you haven’t heard much from me except flu updates since November. And I know EVEN IF, GOD chooses not to remove this depression from my life HE IS STILL GOD, AND THAT IS ALL I NEED. I 100% don’t need a Yoga Ring.

Psalm 62  (KJV)
1Truly my soul waiteth upon God: from him cometh my salvation.
He only is my rock and my salvation; he is my defence; I shall not be greatly moved.
How long will ye imagine mischief against a man? ye shall be slain all of you: as a bowing wall shall ye be, and as a tottering fence.
They only consult to cast him down from his excellency: they delight in lies: they bless with their mouth, but they curse inwardly. Selah.
My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from him.
He only is my rock and my salvation: he is my defence; I shall not be moved.
In God is my salvation and my glory: the rock of my strength, and my refuge, is in God.
Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us. Selah.
Surely men of low degree are vanity, and men of high degree are a lie: to be laid in the balance, they are altogether lighter than vanity.
10 Trust not in oppression, and become not vain in robbery: if riches increase, set not your heart upon them.
11 God hath spoken once; twice have I heard this; that power belongeth unto God.
12 Also unto thee, O Lord, belongeth mercy: for thou renderest to every man according to his work.

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