Thursday, February 14, 2019

I Love Rodney Freeman

March 1978, AEA week ( to you young wipper snappers that is now called spring break). Rodney Freeman's parents moved him to P.O. Box 54 Gallant, Alabama, 35972 to grow chickens. He graduated in May of 1978, that same year. How many young people out there today could have been moved out by your self and been put in charge of 2 houses of chickens and have made it, before you even graduated high school. Not many this day and time. This morning I was snuggled warm in my bed, and I heard a boom. My eyes came suddenly open and there stood Rodney dressed ready to leave for work, it was sometime between 3:30 am and 4 am. He had stopped dead( i'm sue thinking i hope that didn't wake her up), he smiled, I'm not sure if I smiled back because the next thing I remember was my kiss on my forehead ( I have the stupid c-pap mask on, so yeah, it's a forehead kiss) and he whispers Happy Valentines Day. I'm not sure if I even said it back. I thought it though, and I know he knows I was thinking it. This is the man I've been married to for 36 years. A man of few sweet words. He wasn't taught sweet words, and is very uncomfortable passing them out. I have heard the words I love you very few times in 36 years. He says, he's not saying it out of habit, like he hears other people, who end their sentences with the words I love you. He thinks you should show your love, that words are hollow. I am shown all the time how much I'm loved. I have daffodils in a vase on my shelf right now. I have 4 beautiful diamonds that he gave me. Their  names are Joshua, Justin, Chelsea and Anna. Not a bagget among them. My diamonds is what he calls them that is not my term. As my sweetie and I get older my diamonds just seem to sparkle more and more. Rodney Freeman I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!!!!!! I HOPE TO HAVE 36 MORE YEARS. Who knows I might even get my lazy self up and cook you supper or NOT.

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